How much webspace does gallery uses?


Joined: 2007-12-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2008-01-13 20:55

Hi, I have a 50MB storage

and I got following directory sizes:
2.9M ./KWB/g2data_8bjpid
35M ./KWB/gallery2

Why is gallery2 using that amount of disk space?

I removed some modules i don't need
Cleared cache
I have only one theme classic.
I have no photo's.

I have gallery integrated into drupal 5.5.
I installed NetPBM
I use gallery2

I must have done something wrong or is this size normal.
I'm only using gallery to show images, i don't store images I only link to them.
I need the imageblock module to show random images in gallery.
I have no more space left
that sure is a lot of I in front of my sentences :p, please advise
mayby I need a super light version? I don't remember what version I downloaded it wasen't full...


Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2008-01-13 22:25

You can download the "Minimal" package of Gallery2 or delete all the modules you dont need (at least ImageBlock must be available for embedded operation in Drupal). However G2 isnt the super light weight solution, you might be looking for. You probably wont be lucky with G2 on a 50MB webspace account. The most basic installation plus the empty directory tree of your g2data folder takes too much space already.

I suggest that you
1. find a different hoster that offers you more diskspace (even most free hosting services give you several 100MB) OR
2. switch to a simpler Gallery solution


Joined: 2007-12-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2008-01-14 14:23

Ok, hard dessisions to make then
But is it rude to ask why gallery uses that much. I mean It's just php text files right :/
I like gallery, so I'll just have to get more space I gues.

Slayergirl's picture

Joined: 2007-09-12
Posts: 180
Posted: Mon, 2008-01-14 16:38

Bacause it has soooooo many options in it Core is already 10 MB...I once installed all plugins (full pack) on a home server and it's already 60 MB :P

You can delete all "language packs" too that will save some space. (more plugins - modify -> deselect unwanted packs)

OOh and at a host don't use the automatic installer (installtron or something) cause that will eat lots and lots of space. Last one I used dumped every plugin available in Gallery in my webspace. And then I couldn't uninstall because Apache was the owner and not annoying.