Bug in X_treme theme


Joined: 2004-04-18
Posts: 13
Posted: Tue, 2008-01-15 10:40

Hi there,

I found a bug and I thought I post it here to get a little bit more attention than in the X_treme threat.

The problem occurs when adding a LinkItem and when settings in

"ALBUM :: all pages" -> "ALBUM - Global :: Link Albums directly to photo pages" is set to "clicking on thumbnail/link only if album has no subcategory"

Let me explain:

I have the following albums:

-> Tuscany
¦-> Cities
¦-> Panoramas
¦-> Black&White
¦-> People

Clicking on "Tuscany" will show me a new page where I see my 4 albums. Now clickin on an album, I will see directly the photo pages (as I set the option above)

Now if I add a LinkItem to the album Tuscany which is called "Virtual Panoramas" which links to another album in the gallery, I get the following error:

When clicking now on "Tuscany", instead of being shown the 5 albums, I jump directly to the first image in the first album which is "Cities". I have no chance to see the other albums under "Tuscany" unless i either delete the LinkItem or set "ALBUM - Global :: Link Albums directly to photo pages" to "no".

Hope this can be fixed in future, because I like the feature of having LinkItems, it just doesn't work with the options "ALBUM - Global :: Link Albums directly to photo pages" set to anything else but "no".
