A couple of hours ago I upgraded WordPress to the latest version 2.3.2
After the upgrade although the posts with embedded WPG2 images and thumbnails seem to look fine but when I click on either any image (embedded using "Fullsize image with link to Gallery page for image" option) or thumbnail (embedded using "Thumbnail with link to image" option) instead of seeing the full image i see this message:
WPG2 Internal Page
Your Gallery2 Content will be Displayed Here.
If you delete this page, WPG2 will revert to linking directly to your Gallery2 main page.
I am using the latest release of 2.3.2 and WPG2 3.0.2 on my site.
A snapshot of WPG2 Plugin area:
WPG2 Validation Check: Valid (ALL GREEN)
WPG2 Paths Status: Valid
Gallery2 Rewrite Module: Validation Checklist
Wordpress Permalinks Active? Yes
Does Gallery2 Rewrite Plugin Exists? Yes
Can Gallery2 Rewrite Plugin be Activated? No
Is Gallery2 Rewrite using Apache Mod_Rewrite? Skipped Due to Previous Failure
Wordpress .htaccess can be updated? Skipped Due to Previous Failure
Error: Gallery2 Rewrite Plugin cannot be activated
Pls note that it was the same before I upgraded to WP 2.3.2
And... I am using Custom Header and FooterG2
My Permalinks are setup with Custom Structure /%category%/%postname%
Prior to the Wordpress upgrade (today) the URL rewrite and Permalinks within my Gallery were turned off and they still are (whenever I try turning them on they turn off themselves after a while)
Here's my Gallery and server info (hopefully it'll help troubleshoot)
Gallery version = 2.2.3 core
PHP version = 4.4.4-8+etch4 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysqlt 5.0.32-Debian_7etch4-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, Ffmpeg, Gd, NetPBM, SquareThumb
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux joe 2.6.18-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sat Dec 22 20:43:59 UTC 2007 x86_64
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 23
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 3841
Rows in GalleryUser table = 4
Rows in GalleryItem table = 3840
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 187
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
That's about all the info I can offer.
PLEASE help me fix the problem. I have a live site with many many pages which are created using WPG2 plugin and none of them are working now!
Many many thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Posts: 7
Further more....
I just tried creating a new post using WPG2 and everything works fine with the newly created posts. When I click on the thumbnail it shows me the full image. BUT the older posts (created before the upgrade still have the issues i described in my last post)
PLS help!! This is driving me nuts!
Posts: 1378
So the more recent WPG2 tags work and the older posts (the WPG2 tags) no longer work?? Try an experiment for me, edit an older post, switch to CODE view and paste the WPG2 tag for me, it should be something like <wpg2>4578</wpg2>
BTW WP 2.3.2 works fine so we can rule that out..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 7
I think you are onto something here. Here are the tags from a thumbnail tag (embedded using "Thumbnail with link to image" option) that I updated after installing the Wordpress 2.3.2
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=8355"><img src="http://www.mysite.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=8356&g2_GALLERYSID=4609567c3e85fd7afe6eca367d30becf" alt="pic16" title="5th Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2008" height="100" width="100" /></a>
and here is a thumbnail tag (embedded using "Thumbnail with link to image" option) that is not working (created prior to upgrading to Wordpress 2.3.2)
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/wpg2?g2_itemId=8317&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT"><img src="http://www.mysite.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=8318&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" alt="pic10" title="The Seagrams Royal Stag Concert" height="100" width="100" /></a>
Pls note that I changed the url to mysite.com on purpose.
So does that mean I am gonna have to update all my previous posts??? Man... that's gonna be a pain in the ..... I have got hundred something posts which stopped working after the upgrade.
Anyone got any solution to this??
Posts: 1378
Hmmm I can already spot something bad here it looks like your links have g2_GALLERYSID variables which is not the best, try editing a post and removing the g2_GALLERYSID and see if that restores the photos..
Any particular reason why you did not use the default WPG2 tags rather than the Thumbnail with link to image (Was it that you wanted to specify a different image size??)
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 4
I'm not sure if it was WP 2.3.2 that did it, but I am getting a similar problem when I navigate to my usual WPG2 page...
"URL to WPG2 Output" used to be set to: http://www.mydomain.com/wordpress/wpg2
But now it's set to: http://www.mydomain.com/wordpress/wpg2-2
wpg2 gives me the "Internal Page" error, where as wpg2-2 gives me the correct page.
How can i get this changed back to wpg2?
Posts: 1378
Easy solution.. Change the post slug on the WPG2 page back to WPG2 via manage pages from the WP Dashboard.
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 7
NO... no particular reason... using thumbnails seemed like a pretty good option... had i known that this would be a problem later on... i would have tried WPG2 tags rather than Thumbnails.
Well... whatever is done is done
Is there any way to fix this issue?? The mere thought of updating those 100s of posts make me want to sleep 
Posts: 1378
I think the only real way would be to write a program to parse your WP Posts and to strip out the link and replace it with the wpg2 tags.. I need to code something like this for WPG2 3.1 but I am not really up to that part of development yet.. So it is going to be a few weeks before I would have any kind of understanding on what is required to make this work. I do not think it is hard, it is certainly doable.
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 4
For some reason I'm not allowed to change the post slug, it keeps reverting back to wpg2-2... even if i change the .htaccess file, it reverts back to wpg2-2. Is there something i can do about this?
Posts: 1378
Go into your Manage Pages and see if you already have a page with WPG2 Post Slug..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo