Carbon Mod - inexperienced and need help


Joined: 2008-02-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2008-02-04 14:07

I would like to modify the Carbon Theme to use the ajaxian navigation (for albums and photos). I really like the large photo with thumbs below - and the albums at the bottom.

I am an old school programmer and was hoping the change was straight forward - and someone on the forum could give me specific directions - or better yet - send me the changed files?

Any help (where to start, what files I need to change, can I cut and past, how to install (local directory), how to get changes to be applied).

I am trying to set this up for my daughter and of course she likes a combination and I need some help.

Another option would be to remove the white frame from the Ajaxian theme (and also change the logo to a custom one)

Thanks in advance

patrickthickey's picture

Joined: 2004-08-22
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2008-02-06 14:36

Hello MarcHoit...

You are asking for quite a bit, actually, and probably need to dig into the documentation.

I suggest starting with use of the Web Developer add-in for FireFox. This is a very powerful tool for identifying elements in a given site, or a given page, etc. Once identified, they are pretty easy to change in the theme templates or the theme .css file.

gallery2/themes/xxx theme/templates

gallery2/themes/xxx theme/theme.css

Look and feel is all inside the theme.css file. Navigation and architecture are likely in the templates.

The key thing about templates is they should be left alone as they are re-written when any upgrades or patches roll out. In a given theme template directory, create a directory named "local" (no quotes) and copy the theme template you are modifying into that directory. Gallery2 reads the "local" directory first, etc. This does not apply to the theme.css.

This is covered in detail in the documentation.

hope this helps.

