Drupal 5.5 and Gallery 2.2.3 Integration Problem


Joined: 2006-03-17
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-08 02:34

Hi guys,

I have run Gallery and Gallery2 standalone for a long time. Decided to move from Postnuke to Drupal party due to the integration. I have tried every possible thing I can think of including reading all the documentation on URL Rewrites and installation guide.

Problem is Gallery2 will work fine on its own, then through Drupal I enable everything that documentation incicates. No errors, and when I go into integrated Gallery2 I can see the main page and folders fine. But when I click on any of the pictures or folder on top layer it comes back to the same page. If I click on a picture on main page, doesn't go to bigger picture. If I click on folder, doesn't go into folder just shows the top level folder again.

Obviously when you click on a pic, it brings up bigger pic normally or folders open up to pictures within.

Any help on this appreciated. Anyone else seen this?

If I go into Gallery2 standalone and adjust URL Rewrite to remove the gallery/ from beginning for picture view I can then view properly in standalone Gallery but then through integrated Gallery2 shows "Page Not Found".

Thanks and any help appreciated, including on what other CMS with integrated Gallery you might suggest could work better.


Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Sat, 2008-02-09 00:23

Check your .htaccess files (in the Drupal root folder for embedded operation and .htaccess in the G2 folder for standalone mode) for the G2 rewrite rules. For example, make some changes to the rules and verify the files are being updated correctly. This kind of issue you are experiencing is usually caused by incorrect/missing rewrite rules.