Ebony Theme
Joined: 2008-01-31
Posts: 33 |
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Hello, I've developed a new theme "Ebony" for personal use. It's based on Carbon theme. Here are a few of screenshots. Album page: [img]http://www.tuwang.org/images/ebony-album.jpg[/img] Photo Page [img]http://www.tuwang.org/images/ebony-photo.jpg[/img] Lightbox [img]http://www.tuwang.org/images/ebony-lightbox.jpg[/img] Sliding Sidebar [img]http://www.tuwang.org/images/ebony-sidebar.jpg[/img] Ebony Theme Main features: 1. Javascript Effects. 1) Thumbnail Reflection. 2) Lightbox using mootool javascript library. 3) Sliding Sidebar 2. Seach engine friendly. 1). Page title changed to like this: 2). Use h2, h3 tag in Photo name and link to photo page. Theme Demo http://www.tuwang.org To view a full feature demo site, you can also Google "ebony theme by Jesse Lee", you'll find there are many sites using Ebony theme. Browser Compatible: Ebony is compatible and fully tested with IE 7, Firefox 2.0+, Opera 9.0+ and Safari 3.0+. It doesn't work very well with IE6. There is a Js(PNG) problem and a css problem. It's not very difficult to fix them. But I've been recently a bit busy. So currently I have no plan to do this. IE6 sucks. Gallery Compatible: Ebony is compatible with Gallery 2.2.4. It maybe work with other 2.x versions, but not tested, not sure. Theme Download There are three versions you can choose one. 1. English Version: 2. Chinese Simplified: 3. Chinese Traditional: Installation * After unbz2 the file, you'll see there are two folders: themes and modules. The themes folder contains main Ebony theme, just upload it to your gallery theme folder. Modules folder contains some module templates. If you use those modules, you can upload them to your gallery's corresponding module folder. * The PSD files of logo and buttons included. * Change the ad banner on the top. Next Release 1. Remove all tables, fully div + CSS structure. Bugs, problem, question please reply here or on my blog: http://www.zzvo.com/story/ebony-gallery2-theme/ ** Please don't remove the credit message in the theme footer** Hope you like it. Je55e(Jesse Lee) |
Posts: 33
No Comment?
Posts: 13
Looks pretty good to me, will try it out this week
Posts: 10
Wow, this is really really good. By far, this is my favorite theme. I'll bookmark this thread to see how it develops but as it stands, i've replaced my previous modified theme with it. Great job!
Posts: 13
I like how you implemented the details into the lightbox view, that really cool.
The search engine is great but I nelieve i would have highlited it instead of placing it into the sidebar... probly instead of your banner at the top
Keep up the good work!
Posts: 13
Hello, as i am playing aroun with your theme (photos.belfiore.fr) i'm trying to figure what i am missing when I click on the links "newest photo" et "latest photos" in the slidind sidebar.
Could you help me here?
Posts: 33
It needs Dynamic Album Plugin, and enable url rewrite.
Posts: 114
nevermind i got the header issues squared away
Posts: 114
how to remove thumbnail refelections
in researching this I discovered that the reflection is JS based
each time i try to modify the code below i am able to remove the reflection but i also kill the lightbox popup
reflection.js for mootools v1.2
by Christophe Beyls (http://www.digitalia.be) - MIT-style license
Hacked By Jesse Lee (www.zzvo.com), 2008.2.20*/
var Reflection = {
add: function(img, options){
img = $(img);
if (img.getTag() != 'img') return;
options = {arguments: [img, options]};
if (window.ie) options.delay = 50;
img.preload = new Image();
img.preload.onload = Reflection.reflect.create(options);
img.preload.src = img.src;
remove: function(img){
img = $(img);
if (img.preload) img.preload.onload = null;
if ((img.getTag() == 'img') && (img.className == 'reflected')){
img.className = img.parentNode.className;
img.style.cssText = img.backupStyle;
reflect: function(img, options){
options = $extend({
height: 0.20, // 20%
opacity: 0.30 // 30%
}, options || {});
var canvas, canvasHeight = Math.floor(img.height*options.height);
// Hacked, Jesse, 2008.2.20
Posts: 33
edit ebony.js, remove lines 265-355.
Posts: 114
thank you sir
that did the trick
Posts: 9
How do I change the size of the galleryLogo.gif?
I want to use a bigger image.
Posts: 4
how do I remove the bar that says:
"This is the main page of your Gallery"
"(x# items total)"
I like this theme but would prefer to eliminate this bar, thanks!
Posts: 33
edit album.tpl, remove the code below:
<div id="description">
<div class="gbBlock">
{if !empty($theme.item.title)}
<h2> {$theme.item.title|markup} </h2>
{if !empty($theme.item.description)}
<p class="giDescription">{$theme.item.description|markup}</p>
<div class="gbBlock">
{g->block type="core.ItemInfo"
<div class="gbBlock">
{* Show the album blocks chosen for this theme *}
{foreach from=$theme.params.albumUpperBlocks item=block}
{g->block type=$block.0 params=$block.1}
Posts: 9
Ok I tried editing the dimensions of the picture in the theme.tpl, but now the banner just overlaps the gallery part of the layout.
Posts: 9
Any ideas?
Posts: 33
also need to change css:
#logo{float:left; width:200px; height:50px; margin:10px 0 0 8px}
Posts: 9
The new banner still overlaps into the main box of the template
Posts: 9
Also image watermarking does not seem to work with using the lightbox...
Posts: 33
can you post your url?
Posts: 1
Loooove this theme! Thanks for the work you've put in..
Quick question for you.. is there an easy way to "lock" the sidebar so it is always open by default???
Thanks in advance
Posts: 2
Thumnail picture in album when take mouse in look
Demo in http://gallery.zzvo.com/v/computer/
And can you share module Newest Images ,Newest Images and Random Images
Posts: 2
And no hiden properties file? Help me!
Posts: 33
My English is not quite good. I didn't understand what you meant.
Can you make you question more clear?
In addition, Newest, Random Image Blocks are powered by ImageBlock plugin, you can install it.
Posts: 14
First of all : congratulations ! You built the theme I have been dreaming of for months. Great work.
Now I am in the process of using the many properties to get a "look and feel" of my own and I have one question :
I can not figure out how I can make appear the description of the picture. It does appear if I use the slideshow, but I didn't find the way to get it on the picture page where only the details are shown.
Any clue ?
Posts: 20
that would be nice to be able to do, besides locking it, either put it on the left or right
Posts: 33
edit photo.tpl, find:
<div class="gsContentDetail">
{if !empty($theme.item.title)}
<div class="gbBlock">
<h2> {$theme.item.title|markup} </h2>
after code above, add:
{if !empty($theme.item.description)}
<p class="giDescription">{$theme.item.description|markup}</p>
Posts: 33
edit sidebar.tpl, remove style="width:0px;" from first line of the code.
Posts: 14
As yesterday, after having looked for a solution by myself without any success, I need to come back to you for some questions :
- how can I change the "Details/Comments" of the popup window ?
- how can I remove the picture details (EXIF info) in the photo page ?
Posts: 14
I mean : how to change it to "Caption" for example or just "More details" ?
Posts: 9
Jesse, thanks for the great theme. I am wondering how hard would it be to make a few changes. If you could point me in the right direction on these I would appreciate it. I am new to playing with themes so I am not sure where to start.
1. Is there anyway to add a previous and next button on the image in the lightbox when you mouse over it? Siriux_ijonized theme has something like that and it is really nice
2. Siriux_ijonized theme also has the ability to click anywhere on the left hand side of the image to go to the previous image and anywhere on the right side of the image to go to the next one
3. The hybrid theme automatically resizes the image based on the window size of your web browser. I am setting up gallery right now to host a bunch of our wedding pictures and want to make it as easy as possible for our family that is not the most technical of folks to view the pictures as large as their screen can support
Any pointers are appreciate and thanks again for the great theme.
Posts: 14
Well, I finally found some solutions :
- by changing the "Details/Comments" which where in the album.tpl (the last place I was looking at...)
- by removing all the exif stuff in the photo.tpl
It is dirty but it works !
Long life to the Ebony Theme !
Posts: 33
Question 1 & 2. Currently, the ebony lightbox doesn't support those features. They need to change Js file.
3. I didn't see hybid theme's code, So not sure how it does this job.
My Blog: http://www.zzvo.com/
Ebony Gallery2 theme demo: http://www.tuwang.org/
Posts: 14
Well, well. I wonder if I did not make a mistake : now uploading a picture makes the album crash... The picture does not appear and the the empty album I had just disappeared !
Jesse, any idea about where all this comes from ?
Posts: 14
I understood what was the problem : actually the picture uploaded was 1 Mo big and by removing it, it solves the problem.
Nevertheless if someone can tell me WHY this was a problem, I am interested...
Jesse, by the way, how do you remove the "newest photos" and "most viewed photos" links of the sidebar ?
Posts: 33
> Jesse, by the way, how do you remove the "newest photos" and "most viewed photos" links of the sidebar ?
They're in sidebar.tpl. I've moved them to the page top.
My Blog: http://www.zzvo.com/
Ebony Gallery2 theme demo: http://www.tuwang.org/
Posts: 1
Dunno if you solved the logo problem yet, but in the theme.css change the height in this...
#gsHeader {
width: 100%;
height: 90px;
Posts: 4
i only wanna tell you, that you have an patherror in your tar file.
\modules\slideshow\templats should be \modules\slideshow\templates
Posts: 10
So far, Ebony is my favorite theme and the one I'm using as my baseline...awesome job!
Posts: 20
that works to look it into place, but then covers the albums that are there, and way to not have it cover the albums?
Posts: 2
Best theme I've found!
Is it possible to remove the image title from the thumbnail display. The title for all my images are defaulted from those stored on my computer which were directly from my camer (ie 100_1047.JPG), I don't really want to edit all the image titles so I'm hoping you can advise what I need to edit/remove
Posts: 1
I am using Ebony for a gallery on a website I am working on for my boyfriend's band, and it's the best theme I've tried! Just one problem: there's a lot of empty space along the right side of the gallery pages, to the left of the sidebar icon. I was wondering if there is a way I can change the width of that main frame to make it more compact. The gallery is going to be within a frameset, so I'm trying to avoid horizontal scrolling on smaller resolutions (less space between the thumbnail images would also be nice).
The gallery is here: http://musicwhynot.com/gallery/gallery2/main.php, as an example.
Thanks for any help!
Posts: 1
I am running the Spikesource Windows 2008 install of Gallery 2. When I copy in the ebony theme, it does not show up. I am certain I am missing something simple. I've been able to copy in other themes without a problem. Thanks.
Posts: 5
http://www.techjunkiez.com http://www.techjunkiez.in
the same problem is with me that i cant find the theme in gallery admin panel
please help me to install it
Posts: 5
Ok i managed to install the theme but its not showing up on the home page .its active in the admin panel and the login screen but not on the home page. what is the problem??
http://www.techjunkiez.com http://www.techjunkiez.in
Posts: 14
Hello Je55e,
I tried the solution found here http://gallery.menalto.com/node/73723 to change the favicon. I put the favicon.ico file in the ebony/images directory and... nothing happens.
Any idea of where I did it wrong ?
Posts: 14
Solved !
It seems that the theme didn't like the short adress /favicon.ico. After putting the full one (themes/ebony/images/favicon.ico) it works !
Hope it will help other folks.
Posts: 7
Great theme so far! I have been using carbon for a while now. I just wanted to know how to center the header. I tried
#gsHeader {
align: center;
in the theme.css file, but that didn't work. Any other suggestions? thanks...
Posts: 397
Where can I see an implementation of the lightbox effect? Sites I have been to don't have any such language about this.
Posts: 397
Posts: 1
Firstly may I thank Je55e for a fabulous interface, it's the best I have seen. Thank you so much!
I have adapted the theme in many ways but wish to eliminate the Lightbox.
I want to click on a thumbnail in an album so that it behaves like the carbon theme, and goes to the larger image with the thumbnails on the right hand side. I've tried hard to find the solution but am finding it difficult to get a work around. (Locating the code for calling up the lightbox).
Can anyone point me in the right direction or have the solution?