Could this in any way be fixed so that the Lightbox will work with Watermarks? Because no matter what i try to do, it never watermarks the Lightbox image...
Joined: 2008-06-01
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2008-06-06 21:15
I have an issue with this theme. great theme by the way. in the sidebar whenever i click newest image or most viewed i get a page not found. it's looking for something but i am unsure as i never did find a popular.php file. is it this theme or something with my files?
i also can not rate photos as admin or regular user.
its an awesome theme , i really like everything about it , only i cant get the
newest photo or most viewed photo to work properly i get a 404 error
i have read , it says u need url rewite and dynamic (something) plugin , i have both installed
i also read it uses imageblock , so i uninstalled and reinstalled it , still no avail , anyone solve this issue?
Joined: 2008-06-26
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2008-06-26 17:19
Hellow I'm new here. Can anyone please tell me how can I disable Lightbox & sidebar in ebony theme. I want to have same navigation as on Thanks for any help. Also I cannot get HTML plugin at get more plugin it just doesn't show for installment.
Joined: 2008-06-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2008-06-28 03:40
I'd also like to disable the lightbox. What code do I need to change to do this?
Joined: 2007-03-30
Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 2008-07-12 17:01
Any response on shOck's question. I too really like the theme, but wish to have the nav bar as in the site. I don't want to have to click the sidebar each time, so how do you default that sidebar to on all the time?
Great job though, really nice theme.
Joined: 2008-07-30
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-30 17:47
I also want the theme to be they way it is in demo site . I mean i do not want sliding side bar. i want it fixed and separated.
Any help Please..
Joined: 2008-03-26
Posts: 14
Posted: Thu, 2008-07-31 09:52
Hi all.
I want to put some pdf files together with pictures.
Uploading them is not a problem. There is no automativ thumbnail but one can add one afterwards.
BUT then, if one clicks on the thumbnail, then the lightbox pops up and obviously can not show anything !
Does anyone has an idea how to directly open the files with acrobat in this case ?
Thanks for your help.
Joined: 2006-02-09
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2008-07-31 20:31
is there a way to remove the reflections aspect from primary album thumbnails and only have it used in thumbnails within the album? Thanks
Joined: 2008-08-03
Posts: 92
Posted: Sun, 2008-08-03 15:41
Excellent theme, trying out all the variables somehow I've lost access to the sidebar when logged in. It's only when logged in that the sidebar does not appear! Any ideas?
Joined: 2006-10-17
Posts: 177
Posted: Wed, 2008-08-27 08:36
Anyone got the lightbox to span multiple pages in an album.
How do I get the theme to display the album views on the root display???
Also, how do I make it so the images don't open up using the lightbox, but rather open up with the 'photo page' view as you have it listed on the main page.
Joined: 2002-11-26
Posts: 127
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-09 16:25
It also does untold damage to other themes from what I can see.
Joined: 2007-02-22
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-24 00:07
Hey dude.
The theme on your website here:
It is simpler, no lightbox, no hidden sidebar, but still has a similar look to it.
Is there a theme like that or can I change the ebony theme to that one?
Another question, what is the best way to go about changing the main middle black background to white, and, of course, change some of the font colours from white/grey to darker colours or black.
Thanks a lot! Great theme!
Joined: 2008-09-25
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2008-09-25 17:41
Hey is there any way I can remove the "Gallery" image text at the top of the theme? (galleryLogo.gif)
I tried replacing it with a black 1x1 pixel .gif but I still have an empty black box of 55 pixels tall, so it's a lot of space being wasted on my website, and sincce I use frames, I have a link for "Gallery" on my website already. When "Gallery" shows up at 2 different spots it looks silly. Thanks.
Joined: 2008-09-25
Posts: 94
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-29 17:43
This is a superb theme and I have been trying to use it for my site. Here are a few things that I am not able to do. Any help would be appreciated
I am trying to use the Ebony theme and there are a few modifications that I am trying to make
1. Remove the banner (not the gallery logo) on top of the page
2. Align the text in the footers
3. Remove the "Details/Comments" link from the lightbox
4. "Newest Photos", "Most Viewed Photos" do not work. Dynamic Albums is installed and activated. Is there anything else to be done?
and what does "Extra link for top navigation bar" do?
Joined: 2008-10-03
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2008-10-03 03:05
To remove the banner:
Open file "theme.tpl" from its location the templates folder.
Scroll down to around line 67 and you'll see:
{g->theme include="ads.tpl"}
Remove the text which I highlighted in red.
Save the file. Upload it to the correct location and the ad banner will be gone.
To make the "Newest Photos" and "Most Viewed Photos" links work:
First, you will need to have the URL REWRITE plugin installed and activated.
In the URL Rewrite config page (Admin section of Gallery), make sure the dynamic albums are created like they are in this post:
Load file "sidebar.tpl" from its location the templates folder.
how to remove thumbnail refelections
in researching this I discovered that the reflection is JS based
each time i try to modify the code below i am able to remove the reflection but i also kill the lightbox popup
reflection.js for mootools v1.2
by Christophe Beyls ( - MIT-style license
Hacked By Jesse Lee (, 2008.2.20*/
var canvas, canvasHeight = Math.floor(img.height*options.height);
// Hacked, Jesse, 2008.2.20
Hi Disco
Could you please tell me how "you managed" to kill lightbox? And yes, I would be fine if that killed the reflections too.
Much appreciate.
Joined: 2008-09-25
Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 2008-10-03 19:39
Thanks, both your suggestions worked
First, you will need to have the URL REWRITE plugin installed and activated.
In the URL Rewrite config page (Admin section of Gallery), make sure the dynamic albums are created like they are in this post:
Load file "sidebar.tpl" from its location the templates folder.
Still haven't been able to remove the sliding sidebar. anyone figure out how to make it stick but not cover the thumbnails?
Great theme!
Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 31
Posted: Thu, 2008-10-09 04:59
It seems theres some javascript code to do the sliding, theres some code in ebony.js but also a snippet about sliding in mt.js. disabling either of those parts causes the sidebar to superimpose over the main page instead of off to the side like he has it at
Joined: 2006-10-17
Posts: 177
Posted: Thu, 2008-10-09 13:14
is the sidebar not controlled by CSS styles sheets.
most of the themes layout is found in this file.
Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 31
Posted: Thu, 2008-10-09 18:50
Here is the section in theme.css for the sidebar. I'd appreciate it a great deal if someone could point out to me what I need to change to make the sidebar stick outside the main gallery page and not superimposed over it.
I have been all over je55e's site with webdav and firebug looking for how he has his css setup but I can't find any differences between the stock ebony theme code and what he has on his site.
anyone have any ideas?
Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 31
Posted: Fri, 2008-10-17 22:14
Is the sliding sidebar a function included in g2 or is it a customization done by je55e?
Use google translate for instructions. I have tried it and it works. Then I changed back, now I recommend users to use piclens but have lightbox for people who dont have it. If people dont like any of them they can press the name of the image, simple as that.
My gallery in my signatur is based on Ebony and I love it Thanks! xiexie!
Joined: 2008-10-19
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2008-10-20 08:16
Great job on this theme!
There are still problems I can't handle myself, maybe you can help me:
- How do I remove borders surrounding my photos? You see it at the first screenshot on page 1, the gray one that surrounds all photos and the comments.
- I want to remove all details to the photos (date I added them, number of visitors). How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
Best wishes, Max
Joined: 2005-05-01
Posts: 31
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-21 00:32
It would appear as though the creator of this theme has completely abandoned his Gallery2 'Ebony' theme. if you go to his site (Not at all safe for work) he has replaced gallery2 with a 'Wordpress' based photo blog.
This is unfortunate for those of us that enjoy gallery2 and enjoy his theme work.
I guess thats the price you pay for free beer...
Joined: 2008-01-31
Posts: 33
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-21 08:54
Hi guys,
I gave up Gallery2 due to server usage. My site has been suspended several times because of exceeding limit of cpu usage.
Gallery2 is nice, but it takes lots server resources. Especially when you have lots of categories and reach 100k pageviews every day.
My mysql cache talbe is usually about 500M(one cache table). I can't solve it between page load speed and server performance.
So I have to choose a new solution to handle 100k/200k's traffic.
The Ebony theme will not be continued, if anyone is interested in developing it, feel free to do it.
You know what would help?
Some comments in the source....
Then we could all take over and continue this theme, cos it is pretty damn good at the end of the day.
P.S: No wonder you're getting all these hits - I've seen your site content LOL!
I also really liked this theme. I have decided in light of the news that this theme has ended to learn a bit more about the gallery themes. I have found with a few tweaks, the matrix theme (probably others) can be made to look similar to ebeny.
for example I have found that if I change lines 98,99,100 of the matrix/theme.css to this
Other pages that can be tweaked are theme.tpl & album.tpl
When I have finished playing/learning how to convert the code over to matrix I'll post back, unless someone who actually knows what they are doing wants to revive ebeny...
Joined: 2008-10-24
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2008-10-24 05:30
I appreciate all the hard work you have put into the theme.
Since your site is currently down, where can I get the Ebony theme?
Does someone else have it somewhere that I can download it?
I'm having a few issues however:
1.) I want to have the pictures watermarked in the lightbox and can't seem to get that to happen.
2.) The only way I can remove the pesky adbar from the top right of the header is in theme.css to set display:none
3.) The only way I can change the gallery logo from the top left of the header is to rename the original something like galleryLogo1.gif and replace galleryLogo.gif with my logo.
Numbers 2 and 3 I can handle, inefficient and doesn't make a lot of sense, but it works. I've seen posted that removing the ads.tpl line from the theme.tpl file would take care of issue number 2 but I have been unsuccessful with that for some reason. Number 3 just doesn't make any programmatic sense, neither of them do for that matter. It almost seems as though there is a hidden link somewhere in the code that draws from the original theme somewhere from or something - perhaps an original of the author? Just strange.
Number 1 I would like to get fixed if anyone has any suggestions.
Joined: 2006-03-26
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2008-12-02 17:02
I think this might help you to remove the lightbox it seems to work on mine but you also loose the reflection
I hope this helps
Find this code in album.tpl around line 145 and end around 177 between the {strip} tags like this
To add the reflect back to the thumbs find class="%CLASS% giThumbnail"} and change to class="%CLASS% giThumbnail reflect"} this needs to be done twice
for all of those that just want to remove the reflection from the thumbs find class="giThumbnail reflect"} and just remove the reflect bit this needs to be done twice.
The file to edit is album.tpl
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-10 19:07
Hey all
Jesse - compliments to your theme. Very nice and slick!
I have tried to install in my Gallery as you describe. I get the following:
Inkompatibelt tema!
Krævet Core API: 7.10 (tilgængeligt: 7.3)
Krævet Tema API: 2.5 (tilgængeligt: 2.3)
That translates into something like:
Incompatibel theme!
Required Core API: 7.10 (available: 7.3)
Required Theme API: 2.5 (available: 2.3)
I am running Gallery 2.1.2 in PHP Safe Mode. This the only version that supports Safe Mode, so upgrading is not an uption. How can I get this to work? any ideas are most appreciated.
Posts: 1
Could this in any way be fixed so that the Lightbox will work with Watermarks? Because no matter what i try to do, it never watermarks the Lightbox image...
Posts: 3
I have an issue with this theme. great theme by the way. in the sidebar whenever i click newest image or most viewed i get a page not found. it's looking for something but i am unsure as i never did find a popular.php file. is it this theme or something with my files?
i also can not rate photos as admin or regular user.
2.2.4 straight install on sub domain.
Posts: 214
Hallo Jesse,
To post here - - seems not to work, so I will do here again:
Absolutely great theme you made.
The theme seems to work well. After installing its modules this error occured:
[Translation error: Array ( [one] => (%d item total) [many] => (%d items total) [count] => [arg1] => ) ]
I have posted the error here:
Nice greetings, Dirk.
Posts: 5
This Theme is awesome but has lots of bugs and serious issues. It will be good if Jesse fixes it asap
else this theme might lose popularity
Posts: 2
Great job done.~~~
Posts: 2
How I to add Navigation meny and Top menu as you have it in, random images etc...?
Thank you very much, Mladen
Posts: 4
it looks like jessy don't plan an update
as you can see here ... (comments 67 + 68)
# Tyrone 发表于 2008-06-07 13:00
Hi Jesse, Any updates on the template?
Jesse Lee 发表于 2008-06-07 22:09
There is no update so far.
Posts: 3
its an awesome theme , i really like everything about it , only i cant get the
newest photo or most viewed photo to work properly i get a 404 error
i have read , it says u need url rewite and dynamic (something) plugin , i have both installed
i also read it uses imageblock , so i uninstalled and reinstalled it , still no avail , anyone solve this issue?
Posts: 1
Hellow I'm new here. Can anyone please tell me how can I disable Lightbox & sidebar in ebony theme. I want to have same navigation as on Thanks for any help. Also I cannot get HTML plugin at get more plugin it just doesn't show for installment.
Posts: 1
I'd also like to disable the lightbox. What code do I need to change to do this?
Posts: 17
Any response on shOck's question. I too really like the theme, but wish to have the nav bar as in the site. I don't want to have to click the sidebar each time, so how do you default that sidebar to on all the time?
Great job though, really nice theme.
Posts: 4
I also want the theme to be they way it is in demo site . I mean i do not want sliding side bar. i want it fixed and separated.
Any help Please..
Posts: 14
Hi all.
I want to put some pdf files together with pictures.
Uploading them is not a problem. There is no automativ thumbnail but one can add one afterwards.
BUT then, if one clicks on the thumbnail, then the lightbox pops up and obviously can not show anything !
Does anyone has an idea how to directly open the files with acrobat in this case ?
Thanks for your help.
Posts: 2
is there a way to remove the reflections aspect from primary album thumbnails and only have it used in thumbnails within the album? Thanks
Posts: 92
Excellent theme, trying out all the variables somehow I've lost access to the sidebar when logged in. It's only when logged in that the sidebar does not appear! Any ideas?
Posts: 177
Anyone got the lightbox to span multiple pages in an album.
I tried to follow this but it looks like this theme uses a different type of lightbox.
Posts: 424
How do I get the theme to display the album views on the root display???
Also, how do I make it so the images don't open up using the lightbox, but rather open up with the 'photo page' view as you have it listed on the main page.
Posts: 127
It also does untold damage to other themes from what I can see.
Posts: 7
Hey dude.
The theme on your website here:
It is simpler, no lightbox, no hidden sidebar, but still has a similar look to it.
Is there a theme like that or can I change the ebony theme to that one?
Another question, what is the best way to go about changing the main middle black background to white, and, of course, change some of the font colours from white/grey to darker colours or black.
Thanks a lot! Great theme!
Posts: 3
Hey is there any way I can remove the "Gallery" image text at the top of the theme? (galleryLogo.gif)
I tried replacing it with a black 1x1 pixel .gif but I still have an empty black box of 55 pixels tall, so it's a lot of space being wasted on my website, and sincce I use frames, I have a link for "Gallery" on my website already. When "Gallery" shows up at 2 different spots it looks silly. Thanks.
Posts: 94
This is a superb theme and I have been trying to use it for my site. Here are a few things that I am not able to do. Any help would be appreciated
I am trying to use the Ebony theme and there are a few modifications that I am trying to make
1. Remove the banner (not the gallery logo) on top of the page
2. Align the text in the footers
3. Remove the "Details/Comments" link from the lightbox
4. "Newest Photos", "Most Viewed Photos" do not work. Dynamic Albums is installed and activated. Is there anything else to be done?
and what does "Extra link for top navigation bar" do?
Posts: 5
To remove the banner:
Open file "theme.tpl" from its location the templates folder.
Scroll down to around line 67 and you'll see:
{g->theme include="ads.tpl"}
Remove the text which I highlighted in red.
Save the file. Upload it to the correct location and the ad banner will be gone.
To make the "Newest Photos" and "Most Viewed Photos" links work:
First, you will need to have the URL REWRITE plugin installed and activated.
In the URL Rewrite config page (Admin section of Gallery), make sure the dynamic albums are created like they are in this post:
Load file "sidebar.tpl" from its location the templates folder.
Scroll down to line 17. You will see:
<li><a href="/updates"><strong>Newest Photos</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="/popular"><strong>Most Viewed Photos</strong></a></li>
Change the href to reflect your path to your gallery.
I simply put a period in front of the slash to make the path relative instead of absolute:
<li><a href="./updates"><strong>Newest Photos</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="./popular"><strong>Most Viewed Photos</strong></a></li>
I hope it works for you!
My Website.
Posts: 64
Hi Disco
Could you please tell me how "you managed" to kill lightbox? And yes, I would be fine if that killed the reflections too.
Much appreciate.
Posts: 94
Thanks, both your suggestions worked
I had missed the sidebar.tpl part. Thanks again for throwing light on it
Posts: 94
Still need to figure out
2. Align the text in the footers
3. Remove the "Details/Comments" link from the lightbox
4. How to use the "Extra link for top navigation bar" feature
Any help would be appreciated
Posts: 5
Maxbuzz, thank you!
Yeah we still need to figure out the ones remaining.
Maybe I'll take a look tonight - I've got nothing else planned!
Posts: 1
I would like to ask how to install themes?
Posts: 5
Really? RTFM!
It's really as simple as upload to themes dir, activate the theme and the select it as your active theme.
Posts: 31
Still haven't been able to remove the sliding sidebar. anyone figure out how to make it stick but not cover the thumbnails?
Great theme!
Posts: 31
It seems theres some javascript code to do the sliding, theres some code in ebony.js but also a snippet about sliding in mt.js. disabling either of those parts causes the sidebar to superimpose over the main page instead of off to the side like he has it at
Posts: 177
is the sidebar not controlled by CSS styles sheets.
most of the themes layout is found in this file.
Posts: 31
Here is the section in theme.css for the sidebar. I'd appreciate it a great deal if someone could point out to me what I need to change to make the sidebar stick outside the main gallery page and not superimposed over it.
Posts: 31
I have been all over je55e's site with webdav and firebug looking for how he has his css setup but I can't find any differences between the stock ebony theme code and what he has on his site.
anyone have any ideas?
Posts: 31
Is the sliding sidebar a function included in g2 or is it a customization done by je55e?
Posts: 2
For those interested in a fix for disable lightbox there is one here:
Use google translate for instructions. I have tried it and it works. Then I changed back, now I recommend users to use piclens but have lightbox for people who dont have it. If people dont like any of them they can press the name of the image, simple as that.
My gallery in my signatur is based on Ebony and I love it
Thanks! xiexie!
Posts: 4
Great job on this theme!
There are still problems I can't handle myself, maybe you can help me:
- How do I remove borders surrounding my photos? You see it at the first screenshot on page 1, the gray one that surrounds all photos and the comments.
- I want to remove all details to the photos (date I added them, number of visitors). How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
Best wishes, Max
Posts: 31
It would appear as though the creator of this theme has completely abandoned his Gallery2 'Ebony' theme. if you go to his site (Not at all safe for work) he has replaced gallery2 with a 'Wordpress' based photo blog.
This is unfortunate for those of us that enjoy gallery2 and enjoy his theme work.
I guess thats the price you pay for free beer...
Posts: 33
Hi guys,
I gave up Gallery2 due to server usage. My site has been suspended several times because of exceeding limit of cpu usage.
Gallery2 is nice, but it takes lots server resources. Especially when you have lots of categories and reach 100k pageviews every day.
My mysql cache talbe is usually about 500M(one cache table). I can't solve it between page load speed and server performance.
So I have to choose a new solution to handle 100k/200k's traffic.
The Ebony theme will not be continued, if anyone is interested in developing it, feel free to do it.
Thanks for all you comments.
My Blog:
Ebony Gallery2 theme demo:
Posts: 5
You know what would help?
Some comments in the source....
Then we could all take over and continue this theme, cos it is pretty damn good at the end of the day.
P.S: No wonder you're getting all these hits - I've seen your site content LOL!
Posts: 177
I also really liked this theme. I have decided in light of the news that this theme has ended to learn a bit more about the gallery themes. I have found with a few tweaks, the matrix theme (probably others) can be made to look similar to ebeny.
for example I have found that if I change lines 98,99,100 of the matrix/theme.css to this
The whole site gets centered like ebeny.
Other pages that can be tweaked are theme.tpl & album.tpl
When I have finished playing/learning how to convert the code over to matrix I'll post back, unless someone who actually knows what they are doing wants to revive ebeny...
Posts: 1
I appreciate all the hard work you have put into the theme.
Since your site is currently down, where can I get the Ebony theme?
Does someone else have it somewhere that I can download it?
Thanks, all.
Posts: 5
I have my version available for download at this location:
Go there for more information, a demo gallery link and download.
Posts: 2
Thank you so much!
Posts: 64
Great Job. Any Idea why it does not work with G2.3 >?
Posts: 2
I make a first test with the theme ebony, and I like it very much.
But I have a problem if I try to make comments, please see picture below.
Thanks, all.
Posts: 3
Unfortunately there no longer seems to be a version of ebony available for download.
Would anyone kindly post it for download?
Posts: 7
Here is the version that I have downloaded and incorporated into 2.3, it can also be found here:
I'm having a few issues however:
1.) I want to have the pictures watermarked in the lightbox and can't seem to get that to happen.
2.) The only way I can remove the pesky adbar from the top right of the header is in theme.css to set display:none
3.) The only way I can change the gallery logo from the top left of the header is to rename the original something like galleryLogo1.gif and replace galleryLogo.gif with my logo.
Numbers 2 and 3 I can handle, inefficient and doesn't make a lot of sense, but it works. I've seen posted that removing the ads.tpl line from the theme.tpl file would take care of issue number 2 but I have been unsuccessful with that for some reason. Number 3 just doesn't make any programmatic sense, neither of them do for that matter. It almost seems as though there is a hidden link somewhere in the code that draws from the original theme somewhere from or something - perhaps an original of the author? Just strange.
Number 1 I would like to get fixed if anyone has any suggestions.
Posts: 18
I think this might help you to remove the lightbox it seems to work on mine but you also loose the reflection
I hope this helps
Posts: 18
To add the reflect back to the thumbs find class="%CLASS% giThumbnail"} and change to class="%CLASS% giThumbnail reflect"} this needs to be done twice
for all of those that just want to remove the reflection from the thumbs find class="giThumbnail reflect"} and just remove the reflect bit this needs to be done twice.
The file to edit is album.tpl
Posts: 573
Hey all
Jesse - compliments to your theme. Very nice and slick!
I have tried to install in my Gallery as you describe. I get the following:
Inkompatibelt tema!
Krævet Core API: 7.10 (tilgængeligt: 7.3)
Krævet Tema API: 2.5 (tilgængeligt: 2.3)
That translates into something like:
Incompatibel theme!
Required Core API: 7.10 (available: 7.3)
Required Theme API: 2.5 (available: 2.3)
I am running Gallery 2.1.2 in PHP Safe Mode. This the only version that supports Safe Mode, so upgrading is not an uption. How can I get this to work? any ideas are most appreciated.
all the best