Can guests View thumb image on all albums?


Joined: 2008-02-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2008-02-28 01:44

Ok i'm all new to gallery 2 but it was recommended to me to setup my new wedding photography site online!

so i've figured most of it out, but here's where i am stuck. i have a main album called "Wedding Photo Albums" and a whole bunch of wedding sub-albums with different weddings : "Mike and Jane Smith", "Joe and Jen Lewis", "John and Linda Williams", and so on.

What I want is for all users to be able to browse through the gallery and see the thumb image for each album, but only have permissions to view the images in their OWN album (each album has view permissions setup for a single user account which I will give them). The way it works now, for guest users the individual albums come up with no thumb and a message "This album is empty". Is there some way to display the thumb image for each album as a showcase to guests, but then when they try to click to enter the album they get a warning message that they must login with the correct username and password?

thanks for any help or suggestions you can give!

-Brooke Lim