Change dtyle of wpg2 plugin


Joined: 2008-03-12
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2008-03-13 18:29

now my plugin looks like attached image ccvxc.JPG
How can I make it like ccvxc1.JPG? (I made ccvxc1.jpg using MS paint, from my webpage HOME page)

ccvxc.JPG62.47 KB
ccvxc1.JPG106.03 KB
ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sat, 2008-03-15 00:36

Hmmm this would be pretty tricky as you would want a sidebar on both sides of the G2 container, it is very possible, just will require some CSS skills to get the layout working..

Moving this to the css forum..

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