I requested help in the paid support section of this site and received just what I needed very quickly. A support person got back to me quickly, was wonderful and fixed my problem. Thank you! However, I've requested paid support again, opening up a new ticket and have heard nothing. At the bottom of the confirmation email it says to reply if I hear nothing in 4 days but my replies to that confirmation email I was sent bounce back. Is there a problem with this feature? Email says to reply to
but when I hit reply and send my Confirmation Code to
,it bounces back as spam. I need a quick fix (redirect problem) and want to know if someone can provide paid support soon. Don't mean to sound desperate but I have lots of people waiting for this fix.
Posts: 2258
It's still working, you're in the list, and as you imagined our support team is very busy and hasn't gotten to it yet. The bounces you're getting from that address are from one person on the team's email address being broken, the rest of the team is still getting it. I'll see that it get's cleaned up and someone gets back to you as soon as possibile.
http://ckdake.com/ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 7
Thanks for the quick reply. I figured you were really busy. Please take time to get out from behind those computers to enjoy life (and a few beers this St. Patrick's weekend). Program is a wonder and support has been fantastic!
Posts: 2258
I was doing my morning e-mail run and get email notifications of every paidsupport thing as well as every forum topic, so figured it was worth a response
I'll get to get away from the computers once the work day is over... heh
http://ckdake.com/ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.