Yet again, upload trouble.


Joined: 2002-09-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2002-09-14 04:15

Well, I've been scouring the forum and faq up and down.
What makes it harder is that I'm using Win98 and with KeyFocus HTTP, not apache.

Php 4.2.3
and MySQL 3.23.something
KF HTTP Server 1.06

I realise there is really no support for my setup, but I am hoping maybe someone has had the same issues with their setup.

After much tweaking and no uploads going through, I finally got it somewhat working.

Whether it be browse for file, ftp location, server directory or gallery remote, the first file uploads fine, but then that's it, and it just sits there.

I checked http server logs, and the post commands are 200 (OK)
but after uploading that first file, i get a 504...

Log from http server:

2002-09-13 01:59:38 - POST /modules/gallery/gallery_remote.php - 200 417 1.600 HTTP/1.1 -
2002-09-13 01:59:39 - POST /modules/gallery/gallery_remote.php - 200 367 1.540 HTTP/1.1 -
2002-09-13 01:59:46 - POST /modules/gallery/gallery_remote.php - 200 353 1.590 HTTP/1.1 -
2002-09-13 01:59:48 - POST /modules/gallery/gallery_remote.php - 504 0 120.130 HTTP/1.1 -

file uploads are on and set to 2M max (my pictures are < 2MB each)
register globals on

oh and netpbm image manip with jhead are off, to make sure that they aren't the cause, so changing cmd.exe to and running commands are not the problem.

also I don't know how many times my php.exe is supposed to execute when the webserver calls it, I see 4 posts, I assume 4 times, but I only notice it execute once, then again it may be too fast for pc anywhere to display and it is actually executing 4 times but I can't see through pcAnywhere (that's how I admin my server from my desktop)

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2002-09-14 06:24


We don't support Win98. Read the "Requirements" page and the sticky note at the top of this forum for more information.
