PHP segmentation fault near footer


Joined: 2002-09-14
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2002-09-14 07:53

I just upgraded to 1.3.1, and after installation, everything seemed to be working OK until I noticed that the footers were'nt printing completely. Some pages wouldn't print the "next" button, somed failed just before the "breadcrumb". I stuck in a bunch of prints and flushes but made no headway, and finally backed out the new version to 1.3-rc4.

My environment is:

    <LI>Linux 2.2 (on Cobalt Raq3)
    <LI>Apache 1.3.6
    <LI>PHP 4.1.2 (with safe_mode off)
    <LI>netPBM 9.6
    <LI>libPNG 1.2.2
    <LI>jhead 1.7
    <LI>ImageMagick 5.4.5

The httpd error log simply lists a segmentation fault once per page view, and the HTML ends abruptly somewhere after the "bottom nav" comment. With the code back off to 1.3-rc4 everything works fine. Any ideas?


bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2002-09-15 08:43

Any way you cut it, this is either an Apache or a PHP bug. You're running a very old (and insecure) version of Apache, so I suggest that you upgrade it to the latest version. Upgrade PHP while you're at it and the odds are good that this problem will go away.