I have a gallery and a blog, located in different subdomains:
Wordpress Version 2.5.1
WPG2 Plugin: 3.0.6
If I am not logged in to the blog the WPG2 site takes me to the configured redirected "error" site.
When I am logged in and want to add an album to the new post, I don't see any albums of my gallery to choose from.
If I now (still logged in to the blog) browse to the WPG2 site, I see my gallery albums embedded in this page.
All the "WPG2 Validation Check" options are green and is says the the paths are valid (after manual configuration)
All the albums I included in the past with my old wpg2 plugin are still working when I click on them in the old blog entrys.
Is this a problem with the "guest" user?
Posts: 1378
Hiya thepontifex,
It sounds like your albums do not have Guest view access.. thus why you are being redirected to the login (error) site.. If you want to have guest view access then please give your Gallery2 Albums Guest View Access..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 5
Hi ozreg,
thanks for your quick answer!
Hmm but before I updated wordpress and the wpg2 plugin everything was working fine.
And it still does with the albums I created before upgrading. I didn't changed anything on my gallery.
My gallery structure looks like this: (I put the group permissions in brackets)
-> Gallery (Registerd Users: Core View all versions, Site Admins: All access)
---> Album A (Group A: [Core] View all versions, Site Admins: All access)
---> Album B (Group A: [Core] View all versions, Site Admins: All access)
--> Album C (guest: [Core] View item, Everybody: [Core] View all versions, Registered Users: [Core] View all versions, Site Admins: All access )
Album C is the one which I want to access from my blog through wpg2.
Posts: 1378
Please see the note in topic -> http://gallery.menalto.com/node/77414
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 5
I tried it, even with restarting the webserver and disabling, enabling the wpg2 plugin.
But nothing changed
Posts: 1378
Sorry but it still sounds like you have a permissions issue with your albums which is why you are getting that screen..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 5
Hi ozreg,
maybe sth interesting for you:
I tried several things and found sth:
When I give access to "Everybody" on my main gallery album, and to the album I want to integrate in my blog, then everything is working just fine.
Except: I only get the albums listed when I click on the WPG2 Button in the wordpress editor. But none of the "insert" buttons seems to work.
I figured out, that the following tag does the job and it even works fine without giving "Everybody" access to my main Gallery page (like I had it before):
This solves the problem for me, but I need to insert this manually. I can't use the wpg2 button like its supposed to be.
But thanks for your help!
Posts: 1378
WPG2ID tags are depreciated, WPG2 Tag would do the same thing.. I think I have missed something major here, this issue is only in the G2image (Button) screen??
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo