(1) Install WP 2.5.1 in root of xyz.com
(2) Install Gallery 2.2.4 in xyz.com/gallery2
(3) Install WPG2 3.0.6
(4) Click on WPG2 dashboard
==>Possible Validation Problem of Gallery2 URL. The error returned reads: "http://funwithefudex.com/gallery2/embed.php returned HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable"
I have read a bunch of messages on this board looking for the same scenario and if the answer is already here, I missed it and I apologize.
Posts: 1378
Hiya fritz_barnes
406 Possible validation issues tend to be caused by your hosting firm blocking WPG2 plugin from validating the Gallery2 URL.. Most likely you can safely ignore this..
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