Search for each word instead of whole string?


Joined: 2002-08-17
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2002-09-14 20:20

In gallery I've noticed that if I were to have something like "miyazaki hayao" in some keywords, searching for "hayao miyazaki" will not return any results. The same would be if my keywords for an image were "a b c" and I search for "a c" -- there are no results. In my gallery, I have a lot of keywords which contain many-word titles and such, which means a person who does a search is likely to not find what they are looking for unless I add every phrase and sentence imaginable which would be related to the image.

I think it would be very easy on both the gallery admins and the gallery users if the search was more like the ones seen in most search engines.. where the script will search for each word individually rather than the whole string.


Joined: 2006-06-28
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-11 11:03

Me too!

I have just found the same problem. I have keywords x y z 2006 and i want people to be able to find that image whether they search 'x 2006' or 'y 2006'

Is there anyone out there that can help??

Cheers in advance,