Hi All,
Here is my question. It has been probably been asked 10.000 times and answered twice as much. But I couldn't find the exact answer to my question. So, here is the 10.001 st time and my apologies for asking 
I'm using Wordpress 2.5.1 with a 2.2.4 gallery integrated with WPG2 3.0.7
What I'm looking for is a way to write some text with a thumbnail image inserted (so far so good WPG2 does the job). When you click on the thumbnail you have a LightBox that opens with the full sized picture (once again WPG does a great job here). But the feature I'm looking for is to be able to browse the full Gallery album from that very same Lightbox with some kind of <Prev - Next> links.
I do not want a link to the gallery or something like that. Just being able to browse an album in a Lightbox starting from a single thumbnail.
Am I asking for the moon? Did I miss something in the doc?
Thanks a bunch for your answers.
Posts: 1378
We very deliberately did not offer that feature. The reason behind this is in order for Lightbox to (prev/next) to work you must have a "list" of Lightbox URL's which is fine for a small number of URL's but if you have an album with a few hundred photos, then the loading time would be pretty prohibitive..
So no you not missed this, we just do not offer it ;)
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo