Checkout Postage help


Joined: 2008-06-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2008-06-04 09:57

I have the checkout module installed and working but their is one thing I cannot figure out.

I am selling prints and framed prints, framed prints obviously cost more to post.

I can put 2 postage options one for framed and one for just prints but there is no way to force a framed print to have the framed postage costs.

Is there a way to do this or a bit of code that I can change.

Your help is appreciated


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Wed, 2008-06-04 10:23

There isn't "a bit" of code you can change, but you can write a mini-module to install that will hook in to checkout and modify the postage options according to the cart contents. How badly do you want this feature, and how much work are you prepared to put in to get it?


Joined: 2008-06-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2008-06-04 11:20

I would quite like it but if it doesnt already exist I will have to find another way around it. Are their any postage mods that can be made

e.g. postage based on weight.


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Wed, 2008-06-04 13:24

Same answer - I've architected the module to allow postage adjustments, but someone (i.e. you) will have to write the module to 'join the dots'.