(Step 5) Installing new version of Gallery over 2.0.1. How to find current database authentication information


Joined: 2008-06-13
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2008-06-13 02:59

I am attempting to install a newer version of Gallery 2. I have uploaded everything fine and have made it to step 5.

I need to know how to locate the database authentication information for my current database. I'm pretty sure I can find the folder in my file manager because it hase all of my curent album info in that folder. I have tried using the folder name for the database name and left the default table prefix and Column prefix alone.

I wish to keep my current database intact if possible.

Is there a place in the administrator area that contains this information about my database? Is there a file that contains this information?

I can'tget past step 5.

Please let me know what to do to proceed.

Thank you.

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Joined: 2007-02-23
Posts: 115
Posted: Sat, 2008-06-14 03:40

In your gallery2 directory there is a file config.php that contains all of the database connection information.

Also that file has other site configuration details, such as the path to the g2data directory.