'Plugins' not available in Admin section


Joined: 2006-06-21
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2008-06-13 05:21

I am running Gallery v 2.1.1 and need upgrading of my core modules to add new themes. I understand I need to do that in the 'plugins' section under Admin. When I enter the Admin site, however, the 'plugins' section is not present (other sections like General, Groups, Maintenance, Modules, Performance, Users). How do enter the 'plugins' section?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2008-06-15 07:23

> I am running Gallery v 2.1.1 and need upgrading of my core modules to add new themes.

if i were you...the primary reason I'd want to upgrade is for security fixes. but that's just me. :)

> I understand I need to do that in the 'plugins' section under Admin. When I enter the Admin site, however, the 'plugins' section is not present (other sections like General, Groups, Maintenance, Modules, Performance, Users). How do enter the 'plugins' section?

that's fine. gallery 2.1 does not have a "plugins" section. it has "modules" and "themes" sections instead. in g2.2 we've joined these two sections into a single one and called it "plugins".

so all fine. but you should upgrade to g2.2. you can't do that from your site admins section though. you need to replace your gallery2 folder.

this is explained at:
FAQ: How to upgrade Gallery2?

Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage