Embedding Carbon theme in Wordpress Vertigo 3 or Tapestry theme with WPG shows a gray box. Fixing font size.


Joined: 2008-06-15
Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 2008-06-30 22:10

A (simple?) question concerns the smaller font size on a gallery embedded into Wordpress using WPG2. Carbon theme CSS shows font size at 62.5% for an embedded gallery which is too tiny on the Wordpress page. However if I take that line out, the fonts are too large on standalone gallery page. I don't plan on using the standalone gallery page but would prefer to fix size for both scenarios. Where do I change the font size for a standalone gallery page?

Thank you for any help. I don't know CSS well enough to figure these things out.

Update for following: I don't know what changed, but after installing, uninstalling, changing themes, various settings, now the gray block has disappeared. Hope it doesn't recur...

I am trying to embed a Carbon theme gallery into a Wordpress page that uses Tapestry theme by Brian Gardner. I am using Gallery 2, Wordpress 2.51, WPG 3.06. Browser is IE 7.

Does anyone know how to fix the gray box that shows on left side of the gallery window? This also happens in the Vertigo ver. 3 theme so am assuming it is something in those themes' CSS, not Carbon's.