Idea of Gallery project...

cf357's picture

Joined: 2008-07-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2008-07-14 12:23

Hi everyone !

I just discovered Gallery, and I have to say that this is an awesome application...
I wrote a shot article on my blog recently (, and I've got an idea... in order to promote Gallery more and more...

This idea ?
Build a website which is listing all the galleries based on Gallery. This can be a sort of Flickr, but without all the limits of this service.

If someone is interested by this project, I can help. My only one problem is the hosting and domain-name (i don't want to use my own server), but if someone is Ok, I can develop some parts of the project or manage it.

Comments are welcome !

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scaturan's picture

Joined: 2004-09-12
Posts: 1153
Posted: Tue, 2008-07-15 02:31

listed in is - it's been around for awhile.
