Notice: Undefined index: wpg2_sidebargridblocksimageframe in /home/sweisbro/public_html/travel/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/ on line 556
Notice: Undefined variable: cssappendoutput in /home/sweisbro/public_html/travel/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/ on line 559
This is quite annoying for me. I've uploaded the entire thing several times (a brand new untouched download each time), but still get this error.
Posts: 1378
It is only a notice, I would recommend turning down or off your php reporting level. You would be getting a considerable number of such notices also from Wordpress..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 10
but I never had these reports before.. and I've had wpg2 for a few months now.. why would it start now?
Posts: 10
and how do I turn off the php reporting?
Posts: 1378
google is your friend, try php reporting level and you will have a few 1000 sites to gleam how to turn off or down the reporting level..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 11
I was also getting these errors, I had debugging set to ('buffered'), I changed it to (false) and they went away. Check your config.php and make sure your debugging is set to false.