Help making my gallery similar to Sample Galleries
Joined: 2002-09-16
Posts: 4 |
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Hello, I'd really like to be able to make my gallery like one of the commercial sample galleries. That is, I'd like a banner with the logo across the top and a nav bar table along the left side. I would also like to know if there is anyway to remove the "Last changed on... and This album contains _ items." I don't really want that on my website. I've seen the directions on the header and footer but those are HTML and I can't understand how I can put those into gallery since gallery is php and not html. this is what I have thus far for the gallery It is not connected yet to the main page until I get it the way I want it. but you can go to the main page and see what I've done there. Thanks! Dig. :smile: |
Posts: 54
Hi ,
Digrr, html and php work perfectly together. for example try a simple thing: take one of your html page and rename it changing the .html extention to .php .
you'll see that your page will display exactly like before. ( as long as your host support php of course ) from here you can include all the php code you want into your page. This give the possibilty to make php includes into html code.
example : let's say your web site has 10 html pages, and you have the same menu on the top of every pages. if you want to change something in your menu, you'll have to edit the 10 pages and make the changes... right ?
with php you will have to change only 1 page doing this :
make a file called header.html and create only logo and menu ( for example)
then do 2 very simple page showing whatever you want . but this time you will name them page1.php and page2.php.
Now if you want your logo and menu displayed on the top of your 2 pages simply do this :
<body bgcolor="#202020" text="#E8E8E8" background="img/fond.gif" >
<table width="545" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" align="center">
Now everytime you call page1.php you will see the header.html AND the page1.php
You do the same for all your page and the logo and menu will be displayed every time.
so if you want to add something in your menu, you just have to edit 1 time header.html and you're done.
so don't worry go to your html_wrap directory and add your logo or banner using normal html code. the header and footer are already called from gallery you don't have to do nothing else.
hopes this make sens
Posts: 38
All of this is explained in the first post in this customizing forum entitled: How to change /remove text in gallery. <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Click here</A><!-- BBCode End --> And coincedentally the example words i even used in my post was "last changed on"...
Posts: 1
while were on this topic how does one get the positioning of the newly "included" php file right whilst its in the old doc. EG to position it X pixels from the left & X down, to accomodate for banners & side nav bars etc...or can we have that much control without knackering up something else??. < and wheres the stumped emoticon ?? >
Im sorry if this is a basic html question, but it would make my life so much easier if i knew how to do this (amongst other stuff, but im getting there) :smile: