500 Internal Server Error


Joined: 2008-06-07
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2008-08-03 14:26

500 Internal Server Error - appears when accessing my gallery through my website. After further investigation - conclusion is that your SERVER: Gallery.Menalto is encountering PHP file error recognition - Please advise if you are aware of this problem and/or if you "Gallery.Minalto" are taking care of the problem.

Thank you
Axel Javier "webmaster"
Splash Magazine/splashnightlife.com

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2008-08-03 14:46

Hello Axel,

the server which is serving "gallery.menalto.com" has no connection, or relation to your server in any way.
If you installed our Software "Gallery" then this software runs fully independent on you server.

An error 500 tough might be a result of some Gallery settings.
But this is a result of your Apache configuration.

You can either adjust these Apache settings,or change/remove the settings in the Gallery .htaccess files.


Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6


Joined: 2008-06-07
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-04 04:09

How do i make it possible for everybody to view my gallery. They are emailing me and saying that they are being required to register and give a pass word. I do not want this. I want all to view my gallery without signing in and using a password.
Can anyone tell me where on the huge list of choices, is it edit users, edit permissions, edit album?

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-04 04:24

Edit Permissions.
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Joined: 2008-06-07
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2010-08-04 04:37

thanks, I think I got it to work