The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard). Does not show Apache version
Gallery URL (optional but very useful)
Gallery version:1.5.7
Apache version: 1.3.33 version
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please):4.4.7
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system: Ipower (Server) - Home pc windows vista
Web browser/version (if applicable): Explorer 7
On the 1st round I had to get Ipower to to turn the register_golbals off and they told me they (Ipower) run PHP in CGI mode. I then had to create the config.php and change it to 777
I go thorugh it all again and get 80 errors when I look these errors dont make sence because I did all the constants at the beginning and on other pages its states gallery will fill these sections in why is this happening? here is what I am getting:
Gallery Configuration Wizard: Step 4
Confirm that the settings you entered came through correctly. There are errors highlighted below in red which need to be fixed before you can save your settings.
80 errors. See Details below.
/* Version */
$gallery->app->config_version = '96';
/* Features */
$gallery->app->feature["zip"] = 0; // (missing zipinfo -- it's optional, missing unzip -- it's optional)
$gallery->app->feature["rewrite"] = 1;
$gallery->app->feature["mirror"] = 0; // (missing mirrorSites -- it's optional)
/* Constants */
Error: Missing value: Gallery Title!- I DID THIS AT THE BEGINNING
Error: Missing value: Admin password! - AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Use Icons?! - AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Skin Name! - AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Default upload method!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Album directory!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Temporary directory!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Gallery URL!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Albums URL!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Thumbnail image!- AND THIS
// optional mirrorSites missing
Error: Missing value: Graphics suite to use!- AND THIS
// optional ImPath missing
// optional pnmDir missing
Error: Missing value: PNM to JPEG converter!
Error: Missing value: PNM Composite (Overlay)!
Error: Missing value: Auto-rotate images!
Error: Missing value: JPEG Quality for resized images!
Error: Missing value: JPEG Quality for highlight images on the startpage!
Error: Missing value: JPEG Quality for thumbs inside the albums!
// optional geeklog_dir missing -
Error: Missing value: Show the album tree?!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Replace album tree with microthumbs!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Highlight size!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Highlight Ratio!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Show Owner!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Albums per page!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Search Engine!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Accurate Photo Count!- AND THIS
Error: Missing value: Frame around albums!- AND THIS
// optional zipinfo missing
// optional unzip missing
// optional zip missing
// optional rar missing
// optional use_exif missing
// optional exiftags missing
// optional use_jpegtran missing
// optional default_language missing
Error: Missing value: Multi language mode!
// optional available_lang missing
Error: Missing value: Show flags?!
Error: Missing value: (Advanced) Format for date strings.!
Error: Missing value: (Advanced) Format for date/time strings.!
Error: Missing value: Enable email!
// optional adminEmail missing
// optional senderEmail missing
Error: Missing value: Email subject prefix!
// optional emailGreeting missing
Error: Missing value: Allow visitors to self register.!
Error: Missing value: Self registered users can create albums.!
Error: Missing value: Enable bulk account creation!
Error: Missing value: Admin comment email!
Error: Missing value: Admin Other Changes email!
// optional email_notification missing
// optional useOtherSMTP missing
// optional smtpHost missing
// optional smtpFromHost missing
// optional smtpPort missing
// optional smtpUserName missing
// optional smtpPassword missing
Error: Missing value: Slideshow preferences!
$gallery->app->gallery_slideshow_length = "";
Error: Missing value: Allow slideshow to loop!
Error: Missing value: Slideshow Mode!
Error: Missing value: Enable commenting!
Error: Missing value: Indicate if there are comments available!
Error: Missing value: Display date of last comment?!
Error: Missing value: Anonymous comments from known users?!
Error: Missing value: Format for commenter names!
Error: Missing value: Add comments inside the photo page!
Error: Missing value: Maximum length of comments!
Error: Missing value: Can every permitted user see a comments overview!
// optional watermarkDir missing
// optional watermarkSizes missing
// optional stats_foruser missing
Error: Missing value: View cache!
Error: Missing value: View cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Comment cache!
Error: Missing value: Comment cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Date cache!
Error: Missing value: Date cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Vote cache!
Error: Missing value: Vote cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Rating cache!
Error: Missing value: Rating cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Capturedate cache!
Error: Missing value: Capturedate cache expiration!
Error: Missing value: Debug Level!
Error: Missing value: Disable register_globals check!
Error: Missing value: Time Limit!
Error: Missing value: ImageMagick high quality!
Error: Missing value: Random Block Cache Time!
Error: Missing value: Random Block Retrieval Attempts!
Error: Missing value: (Advanced) Cache EXIF data!
Error: Missing value: Developer Mode!
Error: Missing value: Use Syslog!
Error: Missing value: Use flock()!
Error: Missing value: Status code!
Error: Missing value: Session variable!
Error: Missing value: Enable RSS Generator!
Error: Missing value: RSS Content!
// optional rssHighlight missing
Error: Missing value: Maximum Albums Returned!
Error: Missing value: Visible Albums Only!
Error: Missing value: Use dc:date!
Error: Missing value: Use Big Photo!
Error: Missing value: Use Photo Tag!
$gallery->app->userDir = "/.users";
Error: You must specify a path for Netpbm or ImageMagick for Gallery to function!!
/* Defaults */
$gallery->app->default["cols"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["rows"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["bordercolor"] = "black";
$gallery->app->default["border"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["font"] = "arial";
$gallery->app->default["thumb_size"] = "150";
$gallery->app->default["thumb_ratio"] = "1/1";
$gallery->app->default["resize_size"] = "640";
$gallery->app->default["resize_file_size"] = "0";
$gallery->app->default["max_size"] = "0";
$gallery->app->default["max_file_size"] = "0";
$gallery->app->default["useOriginalFileNames"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["add_to_beginning"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["fit_to_window"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["use_fullOnly"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["print_photos"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["mPUSHAccount"] = "gallery";
$gallery->app->default["ecards"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["returnto"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["defaultPerms"] = "everybody";
$gallery->app->default["display_clicks"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["extra_fields"] = "Description";
$gallery->app->default["showDimensions"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_modify"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_delete"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["item_owner_display"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["voter_class"] = "Nobody";
$gallery->app->default["poll_type"] = "critique";
$gallery->app->default["poll_scale"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["poll_hint"] = "Vote for this image";
$gallery->app->default["poll_show_results"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["poll_num_results"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["poll_orientation"] = "vertical";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][0]["name"] = "Excellent";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][0]["value"] = "5";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][1]["name"] = "Very Good";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][1]["value"] = "4";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][2]["name"] = "Good";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][2]["value"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][3]["name"] = "Average";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][3]["value"] = "2";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][4]["name"] = "Poor";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][4]["value"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][5]["name"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][5]["value"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][6]["name"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][6]["value"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][7]["name"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][7]["value"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][8]["name"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["poll_nv_pairs"][8]["value"] = "";
$gallery->app->default["slideshow_type"] = "ordered";
$gallery->app->default["slideshow_recursive"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["slideshow_loop"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["slideshow_length"] = "0";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_style"] = "fixed";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_first_last"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_prev_shown"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_next_shown"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_location"] = "top";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_size"] = "45";
$gallery->app->default["nav_thumbs_current_bonus"] = "15";
$gallery->app->default["album_frame"] = "simple_book";
$gallery->app->default["thumb_frame"] = "simple_book";
$gallery->app->default["image_frame"] = "simple_book";
There are errors in your configuration.
Please go back and fix them!
Any help I have just launched out new site and need to get these albums on 6 pages
Posts: 6818
Hello ntbirdy,
this sounds like a broken session support of your PHP.
Please follow the diagnostic link in Step1. Go to the session test.
If you press "F5" (reload) does the counter increase?
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens
I did as you requested and no the counter does not increase.
And sorry I loaded version 1.5.8 -
I even tried Gallery 1x Installation Guide notes by changing the chmods in section 3 (Unix/Linux Server with FTP) which I have now changed back.
What do I have to do now thank you
Posts: 6818
If the session counter is not increasing, then your PHP has a problem with sessions.
You have to contact your hoster about this.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
hi jens
what do i say to them?
Posts: 27
Hi Jens
Ipower finally sorted the PHP session - got to the end then got this message:
"Gallery is unable to use/create the userdir. Please check the path to the albums folder and userdir in your config.php. You can't use the config wizard, as Gallery can't verify your useraccount."
I dont understand I have an albumns folder under gallery-1.5.8 and have no idea about the userdir?? Please help - feel so close but yet so far at finally getting my website finished.
Posts: 6818
i suggest not to put the albums dir into your Gallery folder. But that up to you.
When you use an albums folder of a previous install, you can use that.
Regardless whether its a new or an existing, the webserver needs to have read and write permission to that folder and its content.
So please do a "chmod -R 777" for your albums folder.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens
Me again! Well I now have a new problem can you please go to:
You can see I loaded some pictures but they are not showing (even if you right click and select show picture) ALSO when you click on the empty picture to go to the rest of the pictures then select one by clicking on it the whole page goes funny:
I dont want the naviagation bars on the side after you clik the album if you go to my old gallery you will see what I mean:
Any help please Jens - thank you.
Posts: 6818
Hello ntbirdy,
1.) Please dont use BAD HTML. Have a look at the resulting HTML code of your Gallery and you see what i mean.
So you know that your albums folder is in your Gallery but you entered:
as URL to it.change that to
3.) How and where you pleace your navigation is up to you. I don't exactly know where you modified the code.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens
May I say first off you have been a star, a great help to a novice.
Next, I'm sorry to be such a pain - obviously getting very cross eyed and i didnt think so I aplogise - its a stupid mistake to make.
I am a total novice - learning as i go along. I copied my html code from my template in Dreamweaver (index.dwt) into the wrapper.header.default and the a part for the wrapper.footer.default so my heading and navagation bar would show up - I found that from this forum as I didnt know how to get the gallery pages to look like the rest of my website.
So I still have problems with this page: -(I dont mind that the naviation bar is on the side - but its links are incorrect - if you hover over Home you see it says
The slidshow works fine at the thumnail page but the above page has problems with header and the navagaiton menue - once again Jens can you help me please - and im sorry if i have overlooked the obvious. Thank you
Posts: 6818
Hello ntbirdy,
So we are now fixing your costumization right? ;-))
Okay, lets go through it step by step.
1.) copying stugg from dreamweaver into the *.default fileis semi good
) then the .default files are overwritten and your changes gone.
copy that file(s) for example to wrapper.default and then do your changes there.
Because when you do another upgrade (soon to 1.5.9
2.) Remove the <doctype>, <html> and <body> from your changes. These things can confuse browser.
3.) Try to avoid relative URLS.
I see for example:
<script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<a href=""><img src="../AZAAP NEW SITE LOGO/1FINAL COMPANY HEADING FOR WEB copy.gif" alt="HEADER LOGO"
<li><a href="../index.html?GallerySession=cdc69d4f221f0c7ea40248d5e7277b72">Home</a> </li>
This works fine on the mainapage of Gallery, but when you go into a subbalbum it does not.
Because then it would have to be ../../ and so one.
So i suggest that you change the URLS to:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens - I think your great and very patient with me. Was slightly confussed but this is what i did -
I went to dreamweaver copied my code from the main template went to Ipower - file manager - html wrap - wrapper header default and pasted the following;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
<script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<a href=""><img src="../AZAAP NEW SITE LOGO/1FINAL COMPANY HEADING FOR WEB copy.gif" alt="HEADER LOGO" width="944" height="163" border="0" align="top" longdesc="file:///C|/AZAAP/AZAAP NEW SITE LOGO/1FINAL COMPANY HEADING FOR WEB copy.jpg" /></a>
<table width="985" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="23"> </td>
<td width="141"><ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
<li><a href="../index.html">Home</a> </li>
<li><a href="../carspickupsgallery-1.5.8">Cars & Pickups</a></li>
<li><a href="../partscarsgallery-1.5.8" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Parts Cars</a>
<li><a href="../partsgallery-1.5.8">Parts</a></li>
<li><a href="../soldbeforetheyreachedthewebsitegallery-1.5.8">SOLD before they reached the Website</a></li>
<li><a href="../workshoppicturesgallery-1.5.8">Workshop Pictures</a> </li>
<li><a href="../interestingpicturesgallery-1.5.8" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Interesting Pictures</a>
<li><a href="../videosGallery.html">Videos</a></li>
<li><a href="../listingsoflocalshows.html">Listings of Local Shows</a></li>
<li><a href="../ourservices.html">Our Services</a></li>
<li><a href="../shipping.html" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Shipping</a>
<li><a href="../offtheygogallery-1.5.8">OFF THEY GO!</a></li>
<li><a href="../pricingforshipping.html">Pricing for Shipping</a></li>
<li><a href="../storage.html">Storage</a></li>
<li><a href="../usefulsiteslinks.html">Useful Sites & Links</a></li>
<li><a href="../aboutus.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="../feedback.html">Contact Us</a></li>
</ul> </td>
<td width="66"> </td>
<td width="755">
I did delete the section in bold above (doc type and html) but when i deleted the body I had no logo header on the pages so i put that back in but made changes to it like you said to regarding the URLS and changes to <li><a href="../ see below the changes I made:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<a href=""><img src=" NEW SITE LOGO/1FINAL COMPANY HEADING FOR WEB copy.gif" alt="HEADER LOGO" width="944" height="163" border="0" align="top" longdesc="file:///C|/AZAAP/AZAAP NEW SITE LOGO/1FINAL COMPANY HEADING FOR WEB copy.jpg" /></a>
<table width="985" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td width="23"> </td>
<td width="141"><ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">
<li><a href="">Home</a> </li>
<li><a href="">Cars & Pickups</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Parts Cars</a>
<li><a href="">Parts</a></li> </ul>
<li><a href="">SOLD before they reached the Website</a></li>
<li><a href="">Workshop Pictures</a> </li>
<li><a href="" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Interesting Pictures</a>
<li><a href="">Videos</a></li>
<li><a href="">Listings of Local Shows</a></li>
<li><a href=">Our Services</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Shipping</a>
<li><a href="">OFF THEY GO!</a></li>
<li><a href="">Pricing for Shipping</a></li>
<li><a href="">Storage</a></li>
<li><a href="">Useful Sites & Links</a></li>
<li><a href="">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </td>
<td width="66"> </td>
<td width="755">
What do you think?? it works now but will it stay working cause if I remove the body section I dont get my menues or my header/logo - please take a look at
Please let me know your opion/thoughts - did I do good??? thank you.
Posts: 6818
Hello ntbirdy,
do you really want me to debug your HTML now?
Seems ;-)
Please don't copy sooo much HTML code in a forum post.
I was near to WTF??? ;-)
You are doing better now.
Please remove these lines then you are fine:
And a little fix for free:
<li><a href=">Our Services</a></li>
There is a " missing after the href
There is a great plugin for firefox that could help you. "HTML Validator".
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens, Boy you do have a lot of patience with me
Sincerely sorry for all the html code i put on the forum i dont blame you for thinking WTF??? thank you so much for the missing " - see told you about the crossed eyed thing going on.
Re: HTML code - just didnt want it coming back and bitting me in the a*** when I thought I have cracked it - sorry.
I have removed
<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
I did not remove anything between <head><meta..... to <head> or anything after <body> - just the words - I presumme this is correct?
If what i have done as per your instructions is correct and i have carried out your instructions correctly, then i would like to say
A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU JENS, for time & patience with me. I joined in April, been sick, back problems and was sh** scared to do this. I've looked at these forums and I know the feedback is not always great but you have helped me so much, the quick responeses to my dilemmas has been so much help to me building my website, thank you.
I dont understand plugins? I guess i will go look at their site and try figure that one out
Thanks again Jens
p.s. need to sort out a few things but will be donating to gallery for sure
Posts: 6818
yes, correct. Just those words. Not the content between.
I forgot some things, but i am sure you already found them ;-)
(duplicate <title> and </body></html>
Gallery 1 does not have plugins.
Gallery 2 has.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hi Jens
Nope didnt find them and I cant find what your saying the only title bit which is under the meta tag at the top
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
do I delete that whole line?
The <body> one above the header logo is already gone - but dont know which html you mean - sorry. Where should i be looking?
Posts: 6818
Yes, delete the complete line.
not <body>, but </body>.
Its in the footer.
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Thank you Jens - done that now
New problem been adding albums to the web site and got this today after adding 3 albums I add another new album, I go to upload picures and get "x Error, no photo upload - dismiss" - tried loading a picture to an exisitng album same Error - tried logging out, refresh website, log back in same thing - any ideas??
I wish to increase the font size in album description area and album title area - am I right in saying I do this in the skins area or is that wrong?
Appreciate your help on the above two problmes, thank you.
Posts: 6818
Please enable the debug mode and upload a photo again via the form method.
Bevor you change a lot more things i suugest you upgrade to at least 1.5.9-svn-b14
Its a pre Version for Gallery 1.5.9 which fixes A LOT bugs from 1.5.8
Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6
Posts: 27
Hello Jens
How do I do a upgrade to the version 1.5.9-svn-b14?
Is it hard?
I've downloaded it to my computer.
I put the debug on, set it to Normal - is that correct?
On my gallery page now I have at the botton of screen Debug ON! Level 1 Standalone
Is this correct?
Do I have to do this to each page of gallery? OR can this be skipped if I do the upgrade?
Thank you