How to view code/design view of G2 theme and css files in dreamweaver.


Joined: 2008-08-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2008-08-12 17:34

I'm looking to customising the floatrix theme. Added the web development tool and firebug to my browser and now more confused than ever after spending 3 fruitless days trying to comprehend them.

I would like to make a start on the how-to page but so far I can't see the layout of my pages to view the results of any changes. I'm fairly familiar with dreamweaver and working with the split window between code and design view. But now I can't use design view due to my inability to link any chosen page to the theme css file even though they are within the same folder on my HD.

No designated 'local' folder yet! My broadband is not good enough in my area to maintain a continuous ftp connection - hence my preference to 'experiment' on my HD and then upload the result to a 'local' folder.