Old links not redirecting


Joined: 2003-07-12
Posts: 26
Posted: Thu, 2008-08-14 20:21

Basically, old links to images posted in my G1 gallery are not resolving any more. I installed G2 into the /gallery directory renaming the original 1.5 to g1, where it still remains. All was good until working on a different section of the website, away from gallery, when the issue was brought to my attention. I tried enabling/disabling the url rewrite plug-in to no avail. From the start, it was disabled and the rewrites were handled by .htaccess. However, my knowledge of .htaccess is very weak and I relied upon the code as provided in gallery upgrade information pages.

G2 URL (optional): http://somniplex.com/gallery
G2 version: 2.2.5 core
G1 URL (optional): http://somniplex.com/g1
G1 version: 1.5
PHP version (e.g. 5.1.6): 5.2.5 apache
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33): Apache/1.3.41
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32): mysqli 5.0.51a-community
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD): ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail
Operating system (e.g. Linux): Linux
Browser (e.g. Firefox 2.0): Firefox 3.0 & IE 7
Gallery .htaccess with url rewrites off:

# BEGIN Url Rewrite section
# (Automatically generated. Do not edit this section)
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /gallery/

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} gallery\_remote2\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/gallery/main\.php$
RewriteRule . - [L]

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /gallery/d/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/([^/?]+)(\?.|\ .)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/gallery/main\.php$
RewriteRule . /gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=%1&g2_serialNumber=%2&g2_fileName=%3 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /gallery/v/([^?]+)(\?.|\ .)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/gallery/main\.php$
RewriteRule . /gallery/main.php?g2_path=%1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /gallery/([^?]+)(\?.|\ .)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/gallery/main\.php$
RewriteRule . /gallery/main.php?g2_controller=migrate.Redirect&g2_path=%1 [QSA,L]

# END Url Rewrite section