Bulk Edit Multilanguage Captions


Joined: 2004-12-08
Posts: 143
Posted: Tue, 2008-08-19 04:19

Has anyone come up with a solution for that? Maybe a tweak somewhere? I have so many photos to translate captions on my personal Gallery, that I have already spent 3 days editing ONE by ONE and haven't even done 20% of them yet...

A Search here, shows that people have wanted this, but the posts are from 2005/2006.. and where the answer was to put in a request for that and vote.

I guess it's not a popular request for most native english speakers, but it's such a big deal for those who have more than 1 language on their Gallery.

Any suggestions? Is there a way to edit all captions on MySQL?


PS: Gallery version = 2.3-RC1 core 1.2.36