It appears that only the admin user can add albums to the top level of the site. Which is a problem for the following reason: The admin can delete the root level albums, which leaves the users in a place where they have no album, and can not add a new album because permissions deny them that privelage. Is there a way to allow general users the right to add in a new root level album once their default one is removed by admin.
I tried adding in the following code: <a class="gbAdminLink gbAdminLink gbLink-core_ItemAdmin-core_ItemAddAlbum" href="http://www.vbrochure.com.au/site/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=core.ItemAddAlbum&g2_itemId=7&g2_return=%2Fsite%2Fgallery2%2Fmain.php&g2_returnName=album">Add Album</a>
but it complained that the user did not have the correct privelages to add in an album. Admin can use the above link with no problems at all.
Posts: 16504
Take a look at the User Albums plugin and you can change permissions on that main album. Edit Permissions, Add Sub-Album
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