"Opening photo" for Galleries and Sub-Galleries; Inserting Special Characters into headers within Gallery [Inane, basic]

juniperpix's picture

Joined: 2008-08-20
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2008-08-21 01:00


I'm pretty new, but generally technically competent... usually. I'm embarrassed to have to resort to asking this here, but there's no user manual to speak of. Sure, there's a place-holder for it, but alas, the lights are on but no one's home.

I had my system administrator upload a bunch of photos and now I want to organize everything.

Granted, most things seem to be organized pretty intuitively, but I can't find the page I discovered that would let you
change the initial photo that is the "gateway" to the rest of the gallery... or subgalleries. What is that picture called? Is this possible after creating a new gallery, or do I have to remake all my subgalleries to get the starting photo I want?

If not, why not?

Second topic question: What format do I use for special characters on headings? I've tried HTML tags, and BBCode, but... alas, it doesn't seem to work. Yes, I'm using English as my over-all language, but I'd at least like to spell Über correctly.

Yes, it's a stupid set of questions, but I WILL write some of the intro user pages if someone will tell me in detail where to find this information.

Here follows my technical information. You probably don't need any of it for the questions I'm asking, but I figure it's better to give more than you need than to have to retrieve it later...
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 5.1.2 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 PHP/5.1.2
Database = mysqli 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.2-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, NetPBM
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux finitysend.lelnet.com 2.6.15-23-server #1 SMP Tue May 23 15:10:35 UTC 2006 i686
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061015 Firefox/3.0
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 11
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 1808
Rows in GalleryUser table = 3
Rows in GalleryItem table = 1808
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 10
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0

- Juniper
Why rustle in the dark, when fledged with fire?

-Invocation; Quicksilver Neil Stephenson

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sun, 2008-08-24 03:07

First, there is the Documentation link in the upper-right corner on every page of this site: http://codex.gallery2.org/Main_Page

Granted there are some things that need further documenting, but it's a good start.

Granted, most things seem to be organized pretty intuitively, but I can't find the page I discovered that would let you
change the initial photo that is the "gateway" to the rest of the gallery... or subgalleries. What is that picture called? Is this possible after creating a new gallery, or do I have to remake all my subgalleries to get the starting photo I want?

That's called a highlight. Just click the drop down for the photo and click on "Make Highlight"

For the second question. I think you'll need to use HTML. Go to Site Admin > General and change the Embedded Markup option to HTML. READ THE WARNING THERE. If you are the only person adding content and NOBODY can post comments, you'll probably be fine.

This will not work for the name of the page, but should work for the Title, Summary, Keywords, Description, etc. The name is the actual name of the file on the hard drive of the server, DO NOT try to toss special characters there. Gallery should ignore and clean all that up anyway, but just be on the safe side and don't do it.
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