login window not closing/page not refreshing [SOLUTION]


Joined: 2002-09-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2002-09-16 15:10

I had the problem that when I'd clicked "login" in the login window, the login window wouldn't close and the main page wouldn't refresh. I'd have to manually close the login window and refresh the gallery page to see that I'd logged in and get access to the various functions.

It turned out that Norton Antivirus (2002) had script blocking enabled, and that seemed to be blocking the script that closed the login window and refreshed the main page. Turning off script blocking fixed it up all nice and working again!

Also, other antivirus software may be doing the same thing.


P.S. I'm using version 1.3.2-cvs-b7, but I'd say version 1.3.1 would have the same problem as its "dismissAndClose" function is identical.