Some simple interfacing q's.


Joined: 2003-07-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2003-07-29 21:20

Hi all.

I'm working on one-click login from a homebrew "portal" interface on a web site.

I have 2 quick questions.

First is, I tried simply passing a url to the create user script, but then the user isn't logged in as an admin, so it won't create the user. I figured I'd just lift whatever the user registration hack uses to accomplish this, but wondered if I can just write to the database directly? I know mysql well enough to get around, but input on which fork to take would be welcomed.

Also, I want to require any user to be logged in in order to view the albums. I think I read on here last night somewhere that I can simply add that check to the init file. Note that I don't want the user to use the gallery login page, but I want to supply the credentials to the gallery script when a user clicks over there. Looks like i can just set the user session variable. Will that do it?

General thoughts or ramblings would be greatly appreciated.
