my HighSlide Mod


Joined: 2004-08-01
Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 2008-10-26 12:16

This mod will let you use the HighSlide image handler instead of LightBox.

In functions.js:


					htmlCode += '<a href="' + fullsize_img[i] + '" rel="lightbox';
					if (obj.lightbox_group.value)
						htmlCode += '[' + obj.lightbox_group.value + ']';
					htmlCode += '" title="'
					+ item_description[i] + '" ><img src="'
					+ thumbnail_src[i] + '" ' + thumbw[i]
					+ ' ' + thumbh[i] + imgalt + imgtitle;


					if ($enable_highslide){							// evilC's HighSlide Mod
						htmlCode += '<a href="' + fullsize_img[i] + '" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)';
						htmlCode += '" title="'
						+ item_description[i] + '" ><img src="'
						+ thumbnail_src[i] + '" ' + thumbw[i]
						+ ' ' + thumbh[i] + 'alt="Highslide JS"' + imgtitle;
					} else {										// Original Code
						htmlCode += '<a href="' + fullsize_img[i] + '" rel="lightbox';
						if (obj.lightbox_group.value)
							htmlCode += '[' + obj.lightbox_group.value + ']';
						htmlCode += '" title="'
						+ item_description[i] + '" ><img src="'
						+ thumbnail_src[i] + '" ' + thumbw[i]
						+ ' ' + thumbh[i] + imgalt + imgtitle;

Alter the line $enable_highslide=1; to enable or disable this mod.

This mod is also compatible with my DIV mod, in fact, the full posting for functions.js has this mod already integrated.