wp-gallery2.php 404's

snackmaster's picture

Joined: 2005-11-20
Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 2008-11-18 01:44

Prior to the issue below I upgrade to:
WP - 2.6.3
WPG2 - 3.0.7

I created a Wordpress page using Gallery 2 Image Chooser to embed tumbnails that link to the Gallery and full images. Since doing so I have this in my AW Stats 404 page.

URL (1936) + Error Hits + Referers
/wp-gallery2.php + 834 + /gallery/DPRT

I've scoured my code (global find of all source code in my entire site returned nothing) and the processed pages source code for any references to wp-gallery2.php but cannot find it. I do not get the error from any ofther embedded images or gallery pages.

Any ideas why I'd be getting refernces to the legacy wp-gallery2.php page ?