4 questions on activate .mo change/sidebar/edit permission/edit photo


Joined: 2008-11-07
Posts: 69
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 08:30

Several questions on the customization:

1. After modified the .mo file and upload to the server, the change on .mo file doesn't take effect. Anything need to do?

2. How to re-arrange the order of sidebar elements? E.g. put "Add items" at first, Add album the second.

3. How can I completely disable "edit album permission" so that only site admin can view and change the album permissons? When user album module is active, the album owners can change the album permissions. If I manually remove the "edit permission" from the album owners, they can still view the permissions.

4. In the edit photo page, how to disable the "Photo", "Modify Photo", "Crop Thumbnail" tabs?

Gallery2.3, matrix theme. Anyone can help? Thanks in adv.

flockhaus's picture

Joined: 2007-11-21
Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 09:10

1. first, I think you have to change the po-file - f.e. de.po There are several editors for that file-type out there, perhaps have a look here. When you finished editing, save the file as an .mo file and then upload it.
clear the template-cache under siteadmin and perhaps clear your browsers cache and there you are. More about that - do a search in the forum or read that.

2 don't know if it's possible to do so

3 to set the permission globally go in the root-album, there check the permissions (core-change permissions), change them and check the box (for all elements, that are contained)
Maybe set up all users, that shouldn't change their album-permissions to one specific group and then set up your permisson for this group in the root album

Sorry for my english. Hope you understand me ;-)

Greez, flocke.


Joined: 2008-11-07
Posts: 69
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 09:38

Thanks Flocke, it's helpful.

Q1, I have cleared the template-cache & browsers cache and it's still. I found the host server is a windows server. Maybe it need reboot? Oh, to call the host company and reboot is a painful process.

Q2, I found that many new users can't find the 'Add items' from the sidebar when they're new to Gallery2. So I'd like to highlight it and put it at first (or maybe move others into a dropdown menu). Let me try.

Q3: I only grant these two permission to all users for the root-album:
Everybody [core] View item
Everybody [core] View resized version(s)
the album owner can't change the permissions but they can see the permissions.

flockhaus's picture

Joined: 2007-11-21
Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 10:03

Q1 there is no reboot needed. I'm not a professional, I had the same problems. but I don't know if I remember right.. the .po-files are something like "templates" you can edit. But after editing, you have to convert them into a .mo file. And that file is the one to upload (and replace). I used the app poEdit to do so. There load po, edit, save, and you get the right mo-file. Then take a look, where the according file is stored on your server. Replace and empty gallery's template-cache (under site-admin). That should work.

Q2 I know, what you mean, but don't know how to solve it.

Q3 Sorry, I couldn't help you with that. I think, one has to change the real code to hide it?


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 11:04

the .mo files are copied from the <module>/locale/<lang_code>/LC_MESSAGES/modules_<module>.mo to g2data/locale/<lang_code>/LC_MESSAGES/modules_<module>.mo when the module is installed. That's where you need to put your new .mo file (make sure it has the right name).


Joined: 2008-11-07
Posts: 69
Posted: Sat, 2008-11-22 10:10

Thanks guys. Done! It seems it need one day to refresh the cache. Even I manually cleared the template cache and stopped the sessions in <site admin> tab, the new .mo file didn't work at once. One more day needed. Thanks again for your guidelines. :)