The title pretty much says it all.
From the main page I want to remove these things:
Login and Register text (the obvious question then would I log in to add images? I just don't want this in public view, and people will not be registering or logging in...just viewing)
The two 1px gray lines below the Gallery logo
The gray bars above and below the thumbs
At the bottom, can I replace the Gallery2 gif with text saying 'Powered by Gallery 2'?
The 'Page: ##' text in the bottom gray bar
From the full size photo pages I want to remove these things:
Login and Register text
The two 1px gray lines below the Gallery logo
The gray bars above and below the image
at the bottom, can I replace the Gallery2 gif with text saying 'Powered by Gallery 2'?
With these tweaks, I would be satisfied that Gallery can do the job for me (and I hope that it can!) so any and all help would be appreciated.
Cheers, thanks and have a Happy New Year everyone,
Posts: 25
...I forgot one other thing...
The Gallery logo at the top is also a Hyperlink. How can I change it to redirect to any page I want?
Posts: 6
1.) Go to gallery2/themes/matrix/templates![:-)](
2.) Create a subfolder local.
3.) Copy theme.tpl into the new subfolder
4.) Delete the following code from the copied theme.tpl in local:
{g->block type="core.SystemLinks"
order="core.SiteAdmin core.YourAccount core.Login core.Logout"
Before, you should save the links for "logging" in and "site admin" to your favorits in order to be able adding fotos later
Those things will work more or less the same. Maybe you have to copy the other *.tpl as well and to search in those... Simply try it (for testing deactivate "Template Cache" under Performance).
E.g. the Gallery2-button at the bottom is made by this code:
<div id="gsFooter">
{g->logoButton type="validation"}
{g->logoButton type="gallery2"}
{g->logoButton type="gallery2-version"}
{g->logoButton type="donate"}
That is already dome by editing theme.tpl
So, luckily for you this all you things are not that difficult![:)](
Good luck!
Posts: 41
hi, I have followed these steps but I dont see any changes... I have eliminated the cookies, and tryed to instal a new browser, but nothig works. What can I do? unistall the theme and install it again?