Lightbox/Slimbox not loading (missing from source)


Joined: 2008-01-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2009-01-03 21:36

I'm helping a friend set up gallery2 and wpg2 on his blog.
I've got everything working as expected except form one thing. Neither Slimbox or Lighbox will work. I couldn't figure out why until I compared the html source with my own blog and realized that there are three lines missing.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://server/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/g2image/jscripts/mootools.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://server/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/g2image/jscripts/slimbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://server/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/g2image/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

Both blogs run WP 2.7, Gallery 2.3 and WPG2 3.07. I've made sure that the settings are the same on both blogs and I've set up everything besides WP on my friends blog. Unfortunately his blog is on a web hotel so I have no access to error logs.

Any help would be appreciated.

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Thu, 2009-01-22 01:14


Sounds like have the internal WPG2 lightbox script turned off. Please reenable this via WPG2 Options -> Lightbox ->

Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo


Joined: 2008-01-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2009-01-22 05:16

Nope, that wasn't the problem. First thing I checked. There was a lot of other weird problems with the installation we couldn't explain (gallery plugins that refused to work no matter what we did or how we installed them) and I blame the web hotel. Something in their config must be very wrong.

The solution was to install a separate lightbox plugin.