"Add comment" form breaks Ebony theme's sliding sidebar


Joined: 2009-01-09
Posts: 24
Posted: Mon, 2009-01-12 01:11


I've tried the "Add Comment" box in both modes, with and without "Show a text box that expands into the full form".

Either way, the sliding sidebar stays shut - clicking it doesn't make it slide out anymore.

I've done a bit of hunting thinking that surely someone must have had this problem as well but no luck!

Any suggestions?


P.S I'll just be putting the form on each of the photo's pages.
P.S.2. And on the homepage might be cool
P.S.3 I've tried it on Windows XP: Firefox 2, Chrome and IE 6 - broken in all of them

wiggs's picture

Joined: 2009-06-16
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-01 16:38

I had this same problem. I just removed the "Add Comment" block from the photo pages. Now it can be accessed by the Sidebar or the button on the Album/Photo Page.

This of course does redirect the user to a seperate"Add Comment" page so no sure if that will work for you.

