I want to make changes to my G2 rewrites, but since updating to WP2.7 the rewrites option page is empty... all the Wp dashboard stuff shows up fine but the content area is simply blank, with the exception of the header text "Gallery2 Rewrites" and the "Help" link. Anyone else seeing this?
Posts: 1378
Hiya Duckypuppy,
I cannot reproduce this, but it could be an issue with the Gallery2 Rewrite Plugin which is preventing the validation checks from working (thus why you are seeing a blank page). Please check the status of the Gallery2 rewrite plugin..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 6
A while since this issue was mentioned, but I'm seeing this problem, too.
I moved my entire g2 and wp installation from one server to another (with different site name and everything) and I've got most things working except that screen is completely blank.
At first it gave me an error because I had the Image Frame plugin disabled in g2. Then I enabled the plugin and now I get nothing on that page.
I've got g2 v2.3 and wp 2.8.4.
I'll keep nosing around to see if I can discover more about the problem.