How to configure Download Zip Cart


Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2009-01-28 13:47

Hello everyone,

I searched for many ouhrs how to do this, but it still doesn't work. I don't have many experiance with this, but there was no noob section.

Is someone able to tell me the solution in steps (that I can understand ;))

I allready installed the "Zip Download V1.0.14" module in Gallery2.3.0.

Now I have to fill in a path:

Enter full path to the zip executable.
Zip Path:

After searching for many ouhrs, I still don't know what to fill in...

I uploaded win30 and unzip-5.52 to my webserver (with the next things running: Apache 2.2.9, DirectAdmin, Exim 4.67, MySQL 4.1.10, Named 9.3.4, ProFTPd 1.3.0, sshd, dovecot 1.1.4)

But, I can't install the files, that I uploaded...

Could somebody please make me a step to step how to configure Zip Download Settings.

Thanks in advanced!