Don't see images in Gallery3 ==> solved


Joined: 2009-04-08
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2009-04-08 03:13

Install svn module: file: modules revision 20564

I did a complete re-install just to be sure.


Gallery3 alpha3
php 5.2.9
mysql 5.0
opensuse 11.1 (64 bit)
lighttpd 1.4.22
php as cgi running ==> NOW: fastcgi

all menus work, applied in lighttpd configuration file (lighttpd.conf)

# fix for gallery3 upload
server.reject-expect-100-with-417 = "disable"

server.modules = (
# "mod_auth",
# "mod_evasive",
# "mod_redirect",
# "mod_setenv",
# "mod_usertrack",

## plain old CGI (mod_cgi)
include "conf.d/cgi.conf"

got this error:
gallery --> additional options --> edit permissions

View #0 /webapps/gallery3/core/helpers/access.php(135): model_cache_Core::get('access_intent', 9, 'item_id') #1 /webapps/gallery3/core/views/permissions_form.html.php(20): access_Core::group_intent(Object(Group_Model), 'view', Object(Item_Model)) #2 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/Controller.php(72): include('/webapps/galler...') #3 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/View.php(272): Controller_Core->_kohana_load_view('/webapps/galler...', Array) #4 /webapps/gallery3/core/libraries/MY_View.php(29): View_Core->render(false, false) #5 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/View.php(244): View->render() #6 /webapps/gallery3/core/views/permissions_browse.html.php(42): View_Core->__toString() #7 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/Controller.php(72): include('/webapps/galler...') #8 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/View.php(272): Controller_Core->_kohana_load_view('/webapps/galler...', Array) #9 /webapps/gallery3/core/libraries/MY_View.php(29): View_Core->render(false, false) #10 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/libraries/View.php(244): View->render() #11 /webapps/gallery3/core/controllers/permissions.php(34): View_Core->__toString() #12 [internal function]: Permissions_Controller->browse('9') #13 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/core/Kohana.php(270): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Permissions_Controller), Array) #14 [internal function]: Kohana::instance() #15 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/core/Event.php(209): call_user_func(Array) #16 /webapps/gallery3/kohana/core/Bootstrap.php(55): Event::run('system.execute') #17 /webapps/gallery3/index.php(61): require('/webapps/galler...') #18 {main}@todo MISSING_MODEL access_intent:9

Is is a permission or rewrite problem ???

Thank you

bird (bertil)

trbailey's picture

Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2009-04-11 18:28

I have the exact same issue.

Since there is no "server info" yet you're stuck with links.

This is a fresh svn install (Checked out revision 20564). I created the database, ran the installer/, changed my password and attempted to upload a few files. I created one album named bizarre and tried adding images. It gave me "server error" on most of those I tried but a few made it (See below for probable reason). Browsing seemed OK at that point but with only 3 images and one album...

Then I created a video album (named: Video Crap) and attempted to upload a video. Same thing, "server error".

Now I get no images, no albums no no links, no nothing but a pretty picture.

Only relevant Apache2 error.log entry:
[Sat Apr 11 10:02:09 2009] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (131072). [hostname ""] [uri "/g3/index.php/simple_uploader/add_photo/2"] [unique_id "SeDNEdhj0SkAAE18A1IAAAAK"]

Disabling mod-security2 does not correct the gallery output. Seems uploading failure bungs things up somewhere. I haven't been able to test further yet.

I'll reset the installation, create a new DB and try it with mod-security2 disabled to rule out any other issues.

What is the easiest way to reset the install without deleting the entire directory?

Answering my own question: delete /var/database.php and recreate the database. Then run installer/

Update: disabling mod-security2 resolves the upload issue. I've been able to create and delete two albums and I'm still in business.

Created a Video Crap album and it worked fine until I tried to return to the album view, now it's blank like before. See attached g3-log.

After deleting the album and creating another one the old album is still there. Probably not a bug. Possibly the page did not refresh correctly. I'm running mod-expire and mod-deflate, both of which will effect page refreshes.


bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-04-24 00:23

Your server is configured to only allow small uploads. You can probably re-enable mod-security2 and just up your limit:

Not sure what's causing blank pages. Typically that will show up in the logs somewhere, but your logs look clean. Did you check your apache error logs also?