WPG2 Memory Problem

Schaffnix's picture

Joined: 2009-05-19
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2009-05-19 08:50

Hello, I think my problem is the memory... After I configured wpg2 and validated it, I visit the wordpress page and the only thing I got was an blank page... So i deactivated wpg2 and everything was okay, the gallery and wordpress works great but not together...

So I tried to set my memory limit to 44 M, but the page is still blank. 44 M is the highest memory limit I can use, is there any way to get it worked? Also tried in gallery/main.php and gallery/install/index.php <?php ini_set("memory_limit","44M");?>.

Thanks for help


Wordpress: WordPress 2.7.1.
WPG2: 3.0.7