actually creating a watermark image

ciuly's picture

Joined: 2009-06-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-08 06:14


I just installed G2 and I would like to automatically apply a watermark on all photos that I upload. I already read the article on how to do that BUT, I photoshop or any other image editing programs are like chinese for a non-asian.
One side note: it would have been nice to have the option to set some text and text properties to create the watermark with, just like most other softwares (and maybe sites) that support watermarking.

Anyway, is there an easy way I can create an image containing some text, to be used in G2 for watermarking?
I have gimp 2 if that helps but I will need step by step instructions (or a detailed tutorial specific for this task).


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-08 13:23

Somebody gave instructions on the codex page of the module:

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

ciuly's picture

Joined: 2009-06-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-08 13:35

yes, I read that but honestly I have no idea how to get started (and it's photoshop which I do not have) :|
image editing for me was MS Paint until about 1 year ago when it turned to irfanview for resizing, rotate. and that's about it.
I'll try to find a similar window in gimp. if anybody can hint me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-08 13:45

Sorry can't help with a image editing program. Perhaps you can look at forums for their software, if nobody else chimes in.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

ciuly's picture

Joined: 2009-06-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-08 13:49

now why didn't I think of that? :D thanks

ciuly's picture

Joined: 2009-06-08
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2009-06-09 08:50

I found the following site that helped me do my watermark with gimp:
and the following one is pretty instructive as well: