My gallery is constantly causing me problems!


Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-11 22:43

Hi everyone,

I have a JOOMLA site with Gallery2 and now my host informed me that he has disabled the site for a few minutes because the gallery allourdie and make problems to the server.

They told me that I must disable the "persistent connection" (connection multiple) of the gallery to the database (that is what causes the problem)

I can not understand what it is and how persistent connection fix this! you have a solution? how to solve this problem?

Thank you to you
Good evening

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-11 22:49

My advice, find a different host.

But aside from that, the only thing I know to change in terms of that is editing config.php and set usePersistentConnections to false

$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;
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Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-11 23:05

Thanks for your fast reply !

i have hostingplex DOT com like host and i dont think its bad !

but can you tell me , what is the utility or the fonction of the PersitentConnections ? and what it do ?

Thanks to you and sorry , i dont speak english so well !


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-11 23:15

btw, for hosting, you get what you pay for. There is NO truly unlimited host. You use to many resources (to much memory, cpu, disk space, or just to many files) and you'll get your account disabled.

They are not a very quality company if they have to try to trick the user into staying on their pages to chat with a sales rep if you go to leave their site.

Good luck hosting with them for the long term.
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Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-12 17:52

Thanks for your help ,

But i disable the persistant connections by editing the config.php file but my host informed me that its not disable and I must disable it as soon as possible or he will suspend my account !!

There is anotrher solution ? another method to disable persistant connections ?

Good evening

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-12 21:28
There is anotrher solution ?

Find a good host?

another method to disable persistant connections ?

Not that I know of. Can you post that part of your config.php? (be sure to not include user names or passwords)
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Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2009-06-13 08:21

Good morning !

i didnt really make any changes at the config.php file !! only this line and its like that :

$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;

really is quite difficult to change host actually ! so there is another solution ?

The gallery 3 BETA 1 contains the persistant connection ?


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2009-06-13 13:48

If that's already set to false, then I believe Gallery shouldn't be using persistent connections. Perhaps your host doesn't really know what those are and you are getting enough traffic that's it's bothering them.

Make sure you have all of the caching features enabled. Site Admin > Performance

As for G3, I don't know. It should be or will be more efficient, but it's not finished yet and I'm not sure if G3 has any sort of template/database caching yet (or if it will, at least with release 1, I'd have to find that out).

It could also be something Joomla is doing, I don't know or perhaps something to do with the Joomla/G2 integrations, again I don't know.

I would seriously start looking for a new host. There are just way too many hosts out there to have to deal with sub-par hosts. Perhaps you're site is just getting more traffic than their over-sold server can handle :D I know it's a pain to move, but I find it a bigger pain to deal with crummy hosts.
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