Plugin for generating links to the current photo...
Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722 |
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So I've been sitting here, playing around with Gallery 3, Beta 1 and I decided that I wanted to have the album and photo pages display html links that someone could copy and paste into other web sites, forums, etc to link to that page / photo. As I can't seem to find any existing modules to do this, I've hacked together some code from a couple of other modules to do what I want. It should be attached to this post, in case anyone else is looking to do something similar. --- |
Posts: 27300
Thanks for the contribution!
Since this is the real first 3rd party module for g3 that I have seen we need to do some documentation.
Care to start off with and fill in some info? If you get stuck let me know and I will assist.
I will try to get some structure to the documentation as we only really have: at this time.
I will try your module later when I find some time as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 722
Done, how's that look?
Posts: 7994
Hey great! If you create a fork of gallery3-contrib on Github and then add this module there, I'll pull it into the contrib repo for you so that others can get to it easily.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
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Posts: 722
I found a flaw in my HTML code ("views/embedlinks_photo_block.html.php") that causes it to not work properly if there is a "'" in the URL. This version will fix it.
Posts: 722
Okay, I think I just did what you asked:
Posts: 7994
Excellent. I've pulled your code into gallery3-contrib.. now if you commit your changes back to the fork I can pull it into gallery3-contrib whenever you tell me to. Thanks!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
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Posts: 358
@rWatcher: way to go, the first module to be contributed by someone outside the team. Just wonder did you make use of the developer module to kick start the module creation. Any snags or bumps that don't make it a smooth process?
Posts: 722
No, I actually didn't realize that there was a developer module until after I had written mine. I'm definitely going to have to take a look at it when I get some free time though.
Not really. I basically just dug around in the code for the other modules to figure out how everything worked. The only thing that wasn't completely smooth was I duplicated an existing module to use as a template and it took me a couple of tries to find/change all occurrences of the original module name. But otherwise everything seemed pretty straightforward, even without using the developer module.
Posts: 25
It's great to see how simple and easy the code for this is.
I remember looking at trying to modify 2 and gave up. This i can understand the lot.
Posts: 722
I've created an updated version of my embedlinks module. New in this version:
- Now includes BBCode in addition to HTML links.
- Now it will only display links to a fullsized version of a photo if the current visitor actually has the necessary privileges to view it.
- Added an admin page to switch displaying of HTML and BBCode on and off (so if you don't want either type you can disable it).
- Added code to display links in a dialog window (similar to how the exif plugin works).
- Added an admin page to switch between displaying link codes on the page (how the previous version worked) or in a dialog.
The new version is attached to this post and it can also be found on my github at
Posts: 358
Its merged into gallery/gallery3-contrib
Posts: 74
Apparently I posted the message below in the wrong forum this weekend:
Nice. Two minor suggestions:
1) The text boxes are not the same size for me. For example, the word "Text" is in a box that is taller than the link itself. This makes it look a little out of balance. Ironically, it looks better in IE than in Firefox; how often can you really say that?
2) To make the screen simpler, can I suggest that you just put the link in the box, instead of typing out the URL itself? Both Firefox and IE have an option on the right-click menu to copy the URL of a link to the clipboard. This is easier to do (IMO) than having to select the content of the box by right-clicking, choosing "select all", then right-clicking again and choosing "copy.
Posts: 722
Glad you found it useful
I'll take a look at it. Are these the text boxes that show up below the photo, or the "dialog box" version (or both)?
Hmm... Personally, I think requiring people to use the right click menu is less obvious and something that should be avoided, especially if its something that might not be available in all browsers. How it's set up now actually allows people to copy the link codes without right clicking at all -- you can single click on the beginning of the code and then drag the mouse to the end to select the text, or just triple click in the box to quickly select the whole thing. You can then either select copy from the edit menu, or press Ctrl-C instead of right clicking.
If you really want the module to work that way, you can always edit it yourself.
embedlinks\views\embedlinks_photo_block.html.php contains the code for creating links on the bottom of the photo page.
embedlinks\controllers\embedlinks.php contains the code for creating links in the dialog boxes.
Posts: 44
Great work,
I just have one thing. Would be possible to select the link in a box just by clicking on it instead of selecting it all by a mouse? And the boxes are too short in Firefox, so it's not so easy to select the link by mouse (especially if one make mistake and don't start selecting it from the first character).
Thank you
Posts: 722
You should be able to triple left click in the box to select the whole thing.
Posts: 44
Thank you,
That is nice trick. I would never find it myself.
Posts: 27300
Highlighting and copying should be able to be done in one click with javascript.
I would use <input> not <textarea>. It forces one line and the overflow can be hidden and still work. In my opinion it looks a bit better.
This code should highlight and copy to clipboard on focus of the input form:
<input onclick="this.focus();;" name="forum" type="text" readonly="true" size="85" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
then some css to make the form a bit wider to fill the sidebar a bit more:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 722
Cool thanks
I've included your suggestions into this version of the module (and also committed them to my github).
I've attached a second version, which includes bharat's changes for the recent API update. If you're running Beta 2 use the version. If you're using the latest version from Git use instead.
Posts: 27300
Glad I could help. Thanks for taking my changes and creating this module. I like the clean look of the dialog box that opens up if you don't like the form on the sidebar.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7994
Pulled! Thanks!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 722
It was requested that I modify embedlinks to display just the URLs, without any additional HTML/BBCode. The modified version is attached here and up on my github. Displaying URLs will need to be enabled from the admin screen like the HTML and BBCode options, should you wish to use the option.
Posts: 110
OK i loaded teh new EMBEDLINKS into g3/modules. going nto test it now.
William Johnson
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 110
should you un=install then re-install EMBEDLINKS?
William Johnson
Statesboro, GA. 30461 USA
Posts: 722
You should be able to just copy the new files over the old ones.
Posts: 122
I am using beta 2
I have loaded the latest version but I see nothing !
Do i need to do something to enable apart from enabling in modules?
Posts: 27300
Did you upgrade?
FAQ: How do I upgrade?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 122
Yep i have now.
The module is installed but i don't see any evidence that it is actually working!
Any suggestions plz
Posts: 27300
Did you activate the module?
admin-> modules
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 122
Yes - it says it is activated
Posts: 722
You'll need to tell the module what type of links you want it to display (HTML, BBCode, etc) and where to display it. You should see a Settings -> EmbedLinks menu option for setting this information. If you don't see it, then you're most likely not using the current version of Gallery. You can try and manually access the configuration page, its URL should look like:
Or you can follow the previously mentioned FAQ on Upgrading.
Posts: 122
I do not have 'embed links' on my settings menu.
I have upgraded to the latest version.
Posts: 122
I do not have 'embed links' on my settings menu.
I have upgraded to the latest version.
Edit - apologies double post!
Posts: 122
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Talk to your Gallery administrator for help fixing this!
Upgrader reports:
Module name Installed version Available version
Comments 2 2
EmbedLinks 1 1
Gallery 3 7 7
Info 1 1
Organize 1 1
RSS 1 1
Search 1 1
Server Add 3 3
Slideshow 1 1
Tags 1 1
Users and Groups 1 1
Watermarks 1 1
Posts: 72
I am having the same problem. I downloaded the code from github, uploaded it to my modules directory. Went to the modules menu and clicked the checkbox and the update button.
I have refreshed my browser, tried going to other pages and back, but I cannot see a menu option for embedded links.
I am able to access the settings page directly.
Any help is appreciated.
Posts: 722
Look all the way at the bottom of any Gallery page. Does it say "Powered by Gallery 3.0 beta 2" or "Powered by Gallery 3.0 git (pre-beta3)"?
Posts: 72
It says "Powered by Gallery 3.0 beta 2"
Posts: 122
Mine says the same
"Powered by Gallery 3.0 beta 2"
Posts: 722
The problem is that you're running the current version of EmbedLinks from github, but not the current version of Gallery 3 from github. You can either upgrade Gallery to the version on github, or downgrade EmbedLinks to the older version that works with beta 2 (here).
Posts: 122
Thanks that has solved the problem.
It's a bit confusing regarding the different versions!
Posts: 122
I can see now what the module will actually do - unfortunately not exactly what I was hoping for.
I am trying to display all of the contents of a particular album on a remote website page. I know I could link individually to each of the images, which defeats the object of what I am trying to do. I want the contents displayed but then allowing me to change the contents of the album and the changes reflected in the remote wesite page also.
Is this possible?
Posts: 722
Depending on how exactly you want the remote web page to look, you could either try something like the MiniSlideshow ( ), or try writing your own code. If you're familiar with php (or any other scripting language for that matter) you could probably write something that would read the album's RSS feed and display it on the remote website. Then when the album changes, the RSS feed would change as well, causing the website to change.
Posts: 72
Sorry to ask this question, but how do I upgrade to the latest version from github?
Posts: 722
Download Here:
Upgrade Instructions Here:
Posts: 44
A new version of this module is great, but I have problem to translate admin part of it.
Posts: 722
Attached is an updated version of EmbedLinks. This version fixes the translation issue with the admin page and adds improved video support:
- Replaced references to "full size" with "Video" on movie pages.
- Automatically hide fields related to "resized" on movie pages (as this doesn't exist with videos).
- Added "embed" code for flowplayer to the "HTML Links" section of movie pages (not sure if I did the embed code right, but it seems to work).
Posts: 722
I've created an updated version of EmbedLinks:
- Merged in ckieffer's CSS changes for Gallery 3 Git
- Updated for the new sidebar code in Gallery 3 Git
- Tested everything against current git (as of commit b6c1ba7ea6416630b2a44b3df8400a2d48460b0a)
It is attached here, and has been uploaded to my github account.
Posts: 424
is there a way to make this type of link in the URL section?
[img]link to photo[/img]
Posts: 722
I believe that type of link is generated in the BBCode section.
Posts: 2
Just tried this plugin with G3 Beta3.
The option to "Show Links In The Actual Page" works fine, however I'd like the links to be unobtrusive. When I activate the "Show Links In a Seperate Dialog Box" I can't find anything on the page to click to give me the links.
Does it with with Beta3?
What should I be seeing and where???
Posts: 722
You should see buttons on the sidebar, similar to the EXIF button (if you use that module). It should work fine if you upgrade to RC1.