I'm currently testing gallery3 beta1 on my site and so far everything is good (testing g2 import now) but i feel an essential feature is missing at the moment: the ability to upload photos in a zip file.
i have users who usually uploads 40-100 of photos at a time, so the ability to upload photos in a zip file is a great time saver. hopefully this could be added when gallery3 final release, if not released in a form of a module.
thanks for all the hardwork!
Dragons Online!
Posts: 7994
Our upload interface lets you select 100+ photos at a time already.. why not just use that? I added http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gallery/ticket/403 to keep track of this feature request.
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Posts: 16504
In G2, I'll upload a zip file of a directory structure and using the Add Items and Archive Upload plugins, you an import a bunch of photos and have albums created all at the same time.
That's one use. Don't know how many people actually do that though.
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Posts: 36
oh, i didn't realized that i could select multiple photos for upload now. will try that.
perhaps the zip file upload would still be useful if the image files are already zipped up. anyway, i think this feature could form as one of the optional modules and not the core modules.
Posts: 25
Zip is pretty important for me.
Often i upload albums of between 20-500 photos.
I upload the zip to the server to a temp directory then import the zip (just incase the browser upload fails - i find ftp more reliable).
Also i usually upload 5-10 albums at a time.
So basically i import 5 zips rather than 2500 individual photos, helps managing the process a lot easier.
Posts: 7994
Interesting. Please file a ticket for this feature and we'll prioritize it.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest code/upgrading: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery3:Upgrading
Latest git: http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery:Using_Git