Uploading picture stops after 16-20 uploads

bhonhoff's picture

Joined: 2008-04-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-22 02:49

Gallery2.3 on Ubuntu 8.04

I try to upload a series of 200 pictures to my website, but after 16 to 20 uploads it stalls. If I 'cancel' the upload then, I can restart the upload for another 16 to 20 uploads.

[php.ini] (in the apache2/ and in gallery2/)
post_max_size = 12M
upload_max_filesize = 12M

I've no clue where I can look for clues. The apache-log looks clean in that respect.

bhonhoff's picture

Joined: 2008-04-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2009-06-22 03:04

I disabled EXIF (as suggested in a previous thread) and that works. But I didn't get an similar error on requesting 1.5TB.
Since I use several camera's I was wondering if there is a trick to get the EXIF in there again?