I am a user of Gallery 2, and thought I would try out Gallery 3 beta. Install and implementation was extremely painless. I mean WOW.
My problem is the watermarking. I off cause want my photos watermarked so I activated this module in the admin segment of the site. I soon found out that it is using the same watermark for both thumbs AND photos, this is in my opinion not smart, as I either have to use a watermark optimized for the thumb (and the photo will have a VERY little watermark). Or I have to use a watermark optimized for the photo (and the thumb will be virtual unusable).
I miss the options from the watermark section in Gallery 2. ;)
Now the next thing I notice is that the full size image is not watermarked??? If I remember correctly Gallery 2 doesn't do that either, but I still think that gallery 3 should be able to do that. I know for a fact that the derivation of gallery 2 named "RSGallery2" for Joomla! is able to do just that. I know that naming RSGallery2 can be a touchy subject, especially with their security issues.
Never the less I still miss the functionality. 
So until the watermark function is improved, can someone tell me where I restrict access to the full size images.
Posts: 16504
To restrict Full Size images:
Options > Edit Permissions
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Posts: 31
I ran into the same problem with watermarking of thumbs. I just did a quick little hack to disable watermarking of thumbs (I mean, they're tiny anyway, who needs a watermark on them).
In modules/watermark/controllers/admin_watermarks.php:
Line 139, change
Then I just made a slight change to the watermark (1% diff in transparency) and rebuilt all the thumbs and resizes and I'm good to go. Seems like this wouldn't be hard for the developers to integrate as an option.
Posts: 16504
Or simply go to Site Admin > Watermark and uncheck the thumbnail option.
EDIT: Ooops, thinking in G2 land...
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Posts: 7994
There's an open ticket to work on this (complete with code, too iirc).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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