Problem Accessing Modules

Geoff Cloake

Joined: 2009-06-24
Posts: 31
Posted: Fri, 2009-07-17 16:20

When clicking on the Modules [Menu] I get the following error info - Can someone help me with the problem please:

So here's the error:
Passed variable is not an array or object, using empty array instead

File: D:/vhosts/photogallery/httpdocs/Gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/module.php, line: 82
And here's how we got there:

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\modules\gallery\helpers\module.php [82]:

ArrayObject->__construct( )

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\modules\gallery\controllers\admin_modules.php [24]:

module_Core::available( )


Admin_Modules_Controller->index( )

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\modules\gallery\controllers\admin.php [50]:

call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Admin_Modules_Controller Object
[theme:Admin_Controller:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object

[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>


[1] => index


Admin_Controller->__call( modules )

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\system\core\Kohana.php [291]:

ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( Admin_Controller Object
[theme:Admin_Controller:private] =>
[uri] => URI Object

[input] => Input Object
[use_xss_clean:protected] => 1
[magic_quotes_gpc:protected] => 1
[ip_address] =>

, Array
[0] => modules
[1] => Array



Kohana::instance( )

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\system\core\Event.php [209]:

call_user_func( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => instance

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\system\core\Bootstrap.php [55]:

Event::run( system.execute )

* D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\index.php [85]:

require( D:\vhosts\photogallery\httpdocs\Gallery3\system\core\Bootstrap.php )