"Error" message when at G2 home page
Joined: 2008-09-01
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I am getting a simple "Error" message when trying to get to my G2 main page. There is no other error message on the page at all. Please go here: http://savethelegs.com/gallery2/main.php Can anyone help me with this? I initially thought it was a permissions issue but I've checked the folders and they seem fine (755 folders, 644 files). I've asked my webhost about it and they can't see an obvious error on their part and asked me to ask here. A quick background: I had this error first. Then I decided to upgrade to see if that can solve the problem. I decided to use Fantastico and that screwed my upgrade by creating another g2data folder within the document root (as opposed to where it IS, outside of the public folders). After messing with it a bit, I decided to re-upload the old folders pre-upgrade. It then gave me the same "error" issue, the one I have described above. Now I need to solve this "error" message before I attempt to upgrade again. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. PS. I have linked some images from my gallery install in my blog posts and those links are not broken. It seems like it's just the main page access.
Posts: 8339
See if you can view the actual error:
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 20
Thanks for your suggestion. Attached is the error log generated. Thoughts?
Keep in mind, I have not purposely changed any settings. My webhost has been screwy and something they could have done might have messed this up. My g2 install includes no custom modifications and I'm using the default skin.
Thanks again.
Posts: 8339
gallery cannot read/write your g2data directory.
chmod -R 0777 /path_to_your/g2data/
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 20
I made sure the g2data dir was 777 but it still gives me an error page. go to:
and take a look at the error page.
thanks in advance again.
Posts: 8339
I already looked at your error page and rendered my solution.
The -R in chmod -R 0777 is recursive.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 20
I'm sorry. I must not understand what "-R in chmod -R 0777 is recursive". What does this mean? How do I solve it? I have made the dir 777 through ftp but not sure what else to do? I'm just a novice w/ this.
Thanks again.
Posts: 8339
recursive means every file and folder within g2data.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Or ask your host to make that change.
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my webhost said they did -R 0777 recursive but it still gives me errors. I went to the codex but can't delete the cache files because I can't even get to the directory thanks to this problem. i then tried to delete the smarty folder but my ftp is telling me access denied. I'm at a lost. Is this something my host is doing? Thanks in advance.
Posts: 16504
Then I can guarantee that your host did not change permissions recursively. You can check that in your FTP program. Any FTP program I've seen allows you to see the permissions.
FAQ: I get a ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, what should I do?
Are you able to clear you cache by going to gallery2/lib/support:
FAQ: How can I clear cached data?
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I have asked my webhost to make sure that they've changed permissions recursively. I also made the g2data directory 777 and had it recurse to subfolders and files. I am still getting 550 could not change perms, operation not permitted on files within the smarty folder. I'm confused about that. Is this a webhost issue?
I tried to clear the cached data but after giving my password, it gives this error:
Warning: unlink(/home/jack376/g2data/cache/module/core/0/0/0.inc) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryPlatform.class on line 502
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryPlatform.class:502) in /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/lib/support/GallerySetupUtilities.class on line 76
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryPlatform.class:502) in /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/lib/support/GallerySetupUtilities.class on line 76
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryPlatform.class:502) in /home/jack376/public_html/gallery2/lib/support/GallerySetupUtilities.class on line 217
Thank you again.
my webhost just got back to me and said that my install is corrupt and asked me to re-install via fantastico. I would prefer not to do a fresh install because i already have storage.
Posts: 16504
Check file integrity:
FAQ: How can I make sure that my installation files are all intact?
Explain to your host that g2data and ALL files and directories below g2data has to be owned and writable by the webserver.
Usually that means chmod -R 777 g2data that should do it. If they actually do that, that means that EVERYONE on the server can read, write, delete, execute those files if they can get to them.
Or chown -R webserverUser g2data to change ownership to the user the web server runs as.
The only thing I can possibly see being corrupt here is a filesystem or possibly Gallery files, but you'd be getting different errors.
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I did the check in the FAQ by going to the upgrader. it gives me the ok instead of this:
- Inaccessible or missing files (1)
Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser /home/jack376/g2data/ OR run chmod -R 777 /home/jack376/g2data/.
same chmod issue? my webhost is really making me angry over this. thanks for your help.
Posts: 16504
does the versions.dat file exist in g2data?
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yes, its there but for some reason its at 644 and not 777 even though my webhost said they'd 777 recursively. is this soundinf more and more like an issue w/ the hosts? thanks.
Posts: 16504
Those permissions on versions.dat should be fine for the webserver to read it. There's something screwy going on. For some reason the webserver can't read it even though permissions are set so that anyone on the server, with access to that directory, should be able to read it.
The owner can change it (6) group can read it (4) and everyone can read it (4) = 644
Point your host to this thread and my comment, and have them read the rest of this thread.
I've made it pretty clear just what sort of access the webserver needs to g2data. They should be able to fix this.
Maybe there's some open_basedir restriction on. It appears your g2data is at least one level above your webroot, which is good, but maybe php is configured to only read files at or below your webroot.
Post a link to phpinfo, this link explains how:
FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?
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I asked my host to take a look at the forum. This is their answer:
"The permission for the g2data folder and the files in it is set 777 . Also open_basedir is set OFF for your account"
Here is the link for phpinfo:
webhost actually created this file for me.
Thanks again.
Posts: 16504
I hate asking for this much access, but if you PM me either ssh or ftp login details I'll take a closer look.
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i pmed you.
Posts: 16504
I got it, but wasn't able to login with the credentials you supplied. I pm'd you back
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sorry. forgot to give you some info. i just pmed you again. thanks.
Posts: 16504
Got your pm, new credentials still are not working.
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just pmed your again.
Posts: 16504
no workie
I don't know what's not right, the address, the username or the password, but the information you've given me doesn't work. Please try logging in with the information you've given me and see if you can get in or double check the password.
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i'm stumped as to why it doesn't work for you. I tried the login information on 2 different computers on both filezilla and just windows explorer and it worked. i'll pm you again.
Posts: 16504
I see the problem.
The main problem, the g2data you are specifying in your config.php has different ownership for some files, notably versions.dat
But this doesn't appear to be the case with the g2data directory that's stored under your gallery directory.
Quick and easy fix, I think, edit config.php to point to that g2data directory.
If you want to move your g2data directory outside of your webroot, which looks like what you tried to do, follow these instructions:
FAQ: How can I move my storage folder to another path?
Or the other fix, have your host make sure that the file ownership for all files and directories is correct in the g2data directory that's in your home directory.
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the g2data the config.php is pointing to is supposed to have 777 for folders and 644 for files, right? at least thats what i tried to do myself and the webhost. So this is not the case now?
the g2data within the the gallery2 folder is somewhat of a mystery. i never noticed it before. i thought i had always used the g2data outside of the public folder as specified by the docs so i'm at a lost how that file came about.
i'd like to stick to having the g2data outside of the gallery folder so what specifically do i have to tell my webhost to do w/ that folder so that all of the ownership issues are solved because apparently, something gets lost in translation between what i ask them to do and what they actually do.
thank you again.
Posts: 16504
Take a look inside the g2data directory that's in your home directory in FileZilla. You should see the names of the user and group who own those files. As you can see versions.dat and your install logs are not owned by the same user or group as the rest of the files. That has to change so that the server is able to edit that stuff and for some reason when they've applied 777 recursively it hasn't been updating those particular files in your g2data directory.
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Ok. I see what you're saying under Owner/Group. So how do i make those changes so all are owned by the same group? Can I do this myself or do I have to ask my webhost? If I have to ask my host, what exactly am I suppose to ask?
Thank you again for your help.
Posts: 16504
You need to ask your host to make those changes. Tell them you need the ownership. I don't know to what because they have some really funky, un-userfriendly, impossible to administer naming system by using random numbers for group and usernames apparently.
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i asked my host to change the ownership and it worked, as far as i know. thank you very much for your help. i appreciate it! now hopefully i can upgrade it w/o trouble. thanks again.
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